Latest updates from the Dubsado team
Bug Fix

Week of June 14th, 2021 Bug Fixes

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca β€’ October 14, 2022

Originally posted: June 21st, 2021

Few bug fixes for you this week. Stay tuned in the coming weeks because we have some great updates coming!


  • Fixed an issue where the Invoices page was not properly loading for some users due to a calculating error. Now, if there is a remainder on an invoice that cannot be calculated, you will see 'N/A' displayed in the Payments column. πŸ’°
  • Fixed an issue where two scroll bars would appear if a long email was displayed in the reply window. πŸ“œπŸ“œ
  • Fixed an issue were the 'project source' and other mapped fields were not properly displaying in a lead capture form notification email. The email will now properly display what the client wrote or selected on the form. πŸ“βœ…


Bug Fix

Week of May 17th, 2021 Bug Fixes

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca β€’ October 14, 2022

Originally posted: May 21st, 2021

Some new bug fixes made their way in this week. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend. We cannot wait to get back to creating more awesome things for you all on Monday!


  • Now when syncing an invoice that has a refund applied, instead of an error message, there will be a message that specifically says that the refunds cannot be brought into Quckbooks or Xero. πŸ“šπŸ’°
  • Fixed an issue where reminder emails for contracts were not being sent properly. Now they're good to go ➑️➑️
  • Dubsado contracts saved as PDF's will now display the signature timestamp based on the user's time zone. 🌎
  • Fixed an issue where previewing a sub-agreement would show the current date on the user's countersignature instead of the date of the signing. Now the correct timestamp will be displayed.
  • Xero β€” discounts can be synced once again!
  • Xero β€” invoices with more than 7 line items can now be properly merged.
  • Fixed an issue where clicking on an appointment would produce a pop-up with an inconsistent title. Now, regardless of where you select the appointment, the title will be "Edit Appointment". ✏️
New feature

Invoice Filtering by Payment Status

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca β€’ October 14, 2022

Originally posted: May 6th, 2021

In your Dubsado account, you now have the ability to sort your invoices by current payment status. This makes it easy to see, at a glance, an entire list of invoices that are unpaid, in-progress, paid, overdue, or closed.

To see this new feature in action, head to REPORTING >> INVOICES. Here you will see a filters button. Click to access different filters you can add to sort your invoice page. Once you have your filters set how you'd like click APPLY FILTERS and you can look through the page.

Once you've applied the filters, you can also click the EXPORT AS CSV button to export just what is showing on that list.


Bug Fix
New feature

Week of April 26th, 2021 Bug Fixes

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca β€’ October 14, 2022

Originally posted: April 30th, 2021

Another week in the books and here we are with another round of bug updates.



  • Added more changes to address the issue of users being disconnected from their Xero accounts
  • Fixed an issue where fully paid invoices with refunds sometimes incorrectly showed a yellow status bar, indicating that they were still 'in progress'
  • Now when you submit a proposal with a payment plan to a project with a closed primary invoice, a new invoice will be created, and the payment plan will be applied to that new invoice. That was a marathon of a sentence, huh? πŸƒ


Bug Fix

Week of April 19th, 2021 Bug Fixes

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca β€’ October 14, 2022

Originally posted: April 23rd, 2021

Another week flown by and my was it a busy one. Our team was busy crushing bugs and posting updates. If you missed it, we released a pretty handy feature this week, Closing Invoices. Check out all the details here.

Enjoy a recap of this week's bug fixes.



  • Fixed an issue where some Xero users were having to unnecessarily disconnect and reconnect their Xero accounts to Dubsado. πŸ”Œ
  • Fixed an issue where duplicates of uncategorized transactions would appear on the transactions page after applying a date filter. No, you were not just seeing double. That was on us. πŸ€“πŸ‘―
  • Fixed an issue where project notes and call logs would disappear if any project fields (including custom mapped ones) were made within the project. No more vanishing acts. 🎩✨
  • Fixed an issue where some users were seeing uncollectible payments being applied to invoices on archived projects. This is related to a new "closed invoices" feature, and only those in the beta should have seen any changes. We're...really sorry about that. These were not real payments. They were lies. πŸ€₯
  • Fixed an issue where creating a Zapier Zap using the "After contract is signed" trigger in a workflow would show the three oldest contracts in your brand. Now it'll show the three newest ones. πŸ’ͺ😎
  • Fixed an issue where a blank error message would appear after clicking "Cancel" on the form deletion confirmation pop-up in your templates. That was a mouthful.
  • πŸ”’Security Update!πŸ”’ Now Dubsado data only be accessed, edited, created, or deleted by Dubsado and sites that we specifically designate (such as Zapier).
  • Fixed an issue where attachments were not properly sending in an upcoming email update. The update has not yet been released...but we'll let you know when it is. πŸ˜ƒ
  • Email drafts will no longer persist after you reply in an email thread.


New feature

Closing Invoices

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca β€’ October 14, 2022

Originally posted: April 21st, 2021

Today we're releasing a feature that allows you to quickly and easily close an invoice that will no longer be paid. Over the past year, we know many business owners in our Dubsado family have had more projects and events being cancelled than usual. And there are always those potential clients who submit a proposal and disappear, leaving an open invoice behind. Now, you can confidently handle either situation in Dubsado!

πŸ‘‰ Note: This feature is being rolled out to all Dubsado accounts over the next few days. If you don't see the option to close invoices in your account just yet, check back soon!

Close an invoice

To close an invoice, just go to Apply >> Close Invoice. In the modal that appears, you can add a note to this transaction that will be visible to you and your client. Then click Apply to close the invoice.

When you close an invoice:

  • An uncollectible balance will be applied to cover the total remaining unpaid balance. This will help you keep track of income you were not able to collect.
  • If there is a payment schedule, unpaid installments will be marked as Closed and payment reminders will be removed.
  • Your client will see the uncollectible balance on their view of the invoice, along with any notes you added.
  • Your client will not be able to make further payments on the invoice while it is closed.
  • You can re-open the invoice at any time by clicking on the trash can next to the uncollectible balance.
  • Consider archiving the project if it will no longer be going forward.

Reopen a closed invoice

Closing an invoice is not permanent. You can reopen a closed invoice at any time if your client returns and would like to continue their project.

To reopen an invoice, go to Apply >> Reopen Invoice. Payment schedule due dates and reminders will be restored, but you may need to adjust the dates if too much time has passed.

πŸ‘‹ Here's a tip... any action that would change the invoice total, such as adding or removing line items, will cause the invoice to re-open. You'll be prompted with an alert so that you can decide whether you'd like to continue with your changes and re-open the invoice.

Closed invoices and reporting

Closing an invoice generates an uncollectible balance. This represents the remaining balance of an invoice that you no longer expect to be paid.

Under Reporting >> Chart of Accounts, you can see your total uncollectible balance in each income category. Uncollectible balances do not affect your gross revenue. They are just a way to keep track of income you were not able to collect.

Under Reporting >> Transactions, you can use the transaction type filter to show or hide uncollectible transactions.

We've also improved how we treat invoices when you archive a project with a lead status. Previously, invoices were automatically deleted any time you archived a lead.

Now when you archive a lead, any invoices that have an open balance will be closed and only empty invoices will be deleted. This is perfect if you sent an invoice and still want to have a record of it even though the client didn't follow through. Archiving a project with a job status will not affect the invoices on that project.

Finally, we've made a small update to the invoice progress bars on the Projects page! You can now hover over the progress bar to see the amount paid, unpaid, or uncollectible. These progress bars only reflect the primary invoice on each project for now, but based on your feedback, we look forward to showing the total from all invoices from the project in the future.

To learn more about closing invoices, check out our help center article.


Bug Fix

Week of March 29th, 2021 Bug Fixes

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca β€’ October 14, 2022

Originally posted: April 14th, 2021

Hope everyone's week went well. It was a busy week here at Dubsado HQ. We had a HUGE planning meeting with our product and development teams to discuss and plan all that will be happening in Q2. We hit the ground running and are looking forward to sharing it with you in the near future! For now, here are some bug fixes we did this week.


  • Fixed an issue where some users were receiving a "Domain is Required" error message while attempting to verify/use their CNAME. Our developers are currently putting on their detective hats and investigating other CNAME-related issues to see what they can do. Develtives. Detectopers. Wow, really thought that would work better. πŸ’»πŸ•΅οΈ
  • Now when choosing which field to map to a short answer or date on a form, you can select 'None'. Much better than having to delete the entire field, right? Babies, bathwater, etc.
  • The project 'Address' smart field will no longer add an extra line break if a country has not been added.
  • Fixed an issue where sent payment reminders were being displayed in red text on the payment schedule within the invoice. Now they will appear in green, along with the time they were sent. Helpful! βœ…
  • Fixed an issue on the transactions page where setting the start and end dates to the same day would not show any transactions.
  • Fixed an issue that caused form reminders to be duplicated when the form was saved.
  • Now when you apply a task board to a project, all of the tasks will be properly assigned to that project. Say goodbye to adding dates to each individual task, and hello to...not...doing that...
Bug Fix

Week of April 5th, 2021 Big Fixes

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca β€’ October 14, 2022

Originally posted: April 9th, 2021

I feel like I just posted last Friday's bug report fixes and here we are another week has flown by us! Happy Friday. The first week of Q2 was off to a rockin' start in Dubsado-land. Continuing to develop some new features and other updates. We cannot wait to show you, for now, here are our bug fixes for this week.


  • Added a new smart field for your business email address. Woohoo! You can find it under the 'Business' category when selecting a smart field.
  • Added a new confirmation pop-up when you add a 4th, 11th, or 21st additional user to your brand. You'll be notified that, should you choose to proceed, you'll transition into a higher pricing tier. Movin' up in the world. πŸ’ͺ
  • The forms in the template library will now be displayed from newest to oldest, and two new form templates have been added. βœ¨πŸ“‹
  • Fixed an issue where a lead capture notification email would only show the new information that a returning client would fill out. Now all of the information will be displayed in the email. More is better! βž•
  • If you are connected to the Microsoft API for sending emails, you'll now be able to receive BCC copies of emails sent from your brand if that setting is enabled.


Bug Fix

Week of March 22nd, 2021 Bug Fixes

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca β€’ October 14, 2022

Originally posted: March 26th, 2021

We are bringing you another round of bug fixes to wrap up this wonderful week.

In case you missed it, we launched a smoother email integration with Microsoft 365. Check that out here.


  • Payment reminders will now send when they are scheduled to send. No more delays! ✨ (This is a rolling release. Everyone should have this soon)
  • Improved stability of Google email connection
  • Brought ACH integration up-to-date. This probably doesn't mean much to you. And that's okay. ❀️
  • Fixed an issue where users could apply or edit payments that were greater than the invoice total.
  • Added a confirmation pop-up when you click 'Subscribe' on an additional brand. It used to be that you'd be immediately charged after clicking that button. What if your finger slipped?! Scary. But fret notβ€”it's been fixed. πŸ”§
  • The "Client Area Sign in" text, where the client signs in to their portal, has been changed from green to gray. Now it matches the rest of the text. It's the little things πŸ•΅οΈ

Microsoft Office 365 Outgoing Email Integration

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca β€’ October 14, 2022

Originally posted: March 23rd, 2021

Connecting an Outlook or Microsoft-managed email account with Dubsado just got easier! Our new Microsoft Office 365 integration allows you to sign in with Microsoft to connect your email to Dubsado for outgoing emails.

Although not required, if you connected an Outlook or Microsoft-managed email account to Dubsado via SMTP we do recommend re-connecting through the new integration for more stability! Under Settings >> Emails, just click on the trash can icon next to your connected email to disconnect and you'll see the new sign in option.

This integration will work for anyone who logs into their email through the cloud version of Outlook including:

  • email accounts
  • custom domain emails set up for Microsoft Office 365 (offered through GoDaddy)

Just head to your Settings >> Emails and click Sign in with Microsoft. Once you sign in, your Dubsado brand will be set up to send outgoing emails using your connected email address.

If you'd like to see incoming email replies from clients in Dubsado, there are just a few more steps.

<a href="/>
  1. Copy the Brand Email address shown.
  2. Outside of Dubsado, log in to Outlook at
  3. At the top of the page, go to Settings (the gear icon) >> View all Outlook settings.
  4. Go to Mail >> Forwarding.
  5. Select Start Forwarding.
  6. Paste the brand email address into the forwarding address field.
  7. Check the box for Keep a copy of all forwarded messages.
  8. Save.

Thats it! Your Dubsado brand should now be set up to send and receive client emails with your Microsoft-managed email account.

If you'd like to learn more about how emails work in Dubsado, or more about connecting your Microsoft email, check out the articles below:

πŸ‘‹ Here's a tip... if you already have your email connected to Dubsado, there's no need to take action. If you are experiencing connection troubles with an Outlook or Microsoft-managed email account, you can disconnect and re-connect using the new integration!
