Latest updates from the Dubsado team
New feature

Bulk Tags

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca β€’ October 14, 2022

Originally posted: September 29th, 2021

With bulk tags you can now quickly apply project tags to multiple projects from the projects page (how many times did I say projects in that sentence πŸ˜…)

Here's how to apply your bulk tags:

Step 1: Go to the projects page
Step 2: Check all projects or multiple projects you'd like to apply the same tags to.

Step 3: Select one or multiple tags and then click "add tags".

And there you have it. They are now on all the projects you selected.

For more info on project tags and how to use them for your business, read here.


Payment Plan Updates

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca β€’ October 14, 2022

Originally posted: September 16th, 2021

We are so excited to share some big updates to our payment schedules feature with you today. In fact, the updates are so exciting that we gave payment schedules a brand new name: payment plans.

In addition to a brand new look, we've also added some of your most-requested features to payment plans, like installment amounts that auto divide equally, new due date options, and the ability to choose a send time for payment reminders.

NOTE: This is a rolling release and will be releasing to a certain percentage of users over a period of a few weeks. If you do not have this feature yet, check back every few days.

Redesigned payment plan templates page

You'll still find all your payment plan templates under Templates >> Payment Plans. The new design of this page gives you more information about each plan at a glance and lets you make edits quickly. Just click on any installment in a plan to expand its options and click on the installment again when you're done. Oh, and your changes will autosave as you go πŸ™Œ

We also added the ability to duplicate both individual installments and entire payment plans to help you speed things up.

Divide equally

Our new divide equally option automatically calculates the amount due based on the number of installments set to divide equally.

For example, if you have a payment plan with three installments, each set to divide equally, Dubsado will automatically divide the invoice total into three equal payments. No math required!

Click here to learn more about how divide equally interacts with percentage and fixed amounts.

More due dates

We added three new options for due dates:

  • TBD acts as a placeholder for you to manually set a due date after the payment plan has been applied to an invoice. It's the best option when payment is due before delivering something like a design or website launch and you don't know the exact date upfront. You'll be able to edit the installment on the client's invoice and set a specific due date once you're ready.
  • After project start
  • Before project end

Payment reminder upgrades

You now have the ability to choose the time for payment reminders to send πŸŽ‰

We also added a new default canned email to make setting up reminders quick and easy. You can edit this default email under Templates >> Canned Emails >> Edit Templates >> Payment Plan Reminder. And of course, you can still create and select your own custom canned emails to use as reminders.

Payment plan installment locking

And finally, we have an update to how payment plans behave when your client makes a payment. Now, each installment will lock on the invoice as it is paid in full.

This will prevent paid installment amounts from changing if you update the invoice or your client adds a gratuity. Locked installments cannot be edited, but don't worry, they can still be deleted.

We hope you enjoy these updates and find building your next payment plan faster and easier than before! Want to learn more? Check out these articles on payment plans in our help center.

Bug Fix

Latest Dubsado Releases and Bug Fixes

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca β€’ October 14, 2022

Originally posted: August 27th, 2021

We have assembled a new development team at Dubsado and they are focusing the next little bit on some "quick wins" as we like to call them. Quick wins are updates that our users have requested that are smaller time wise on the development side, but have a huge impact to you, our users! We are excited to share some quick wins we have ready for you all today.

1. Hyperlinked fields - Within a client or project view the fields that have a URL detected will now automatically become clickable.

2. Clickable invoices card on the dashboard - On the dashboard you can now click the open invoices section and be taken to the list view invoices page showing your list of open invoices.

3. Lead capture PDF download - With this update, we added the ability to download a PDF version of your completed lead capture forms.

4. New smart field for invoices, "invoice item name + description" - This new smart field will only show the invoice's item name and the description of it when you use that smart field. You can reference all smart fields for the invoice and how they look here.

In addition to those quick wins, working on our new form builder and updated schedule, we also did loooots of other things in the past month:


  • The list of canned emails in the modal for adding a reminder to a payment plan will now be sorted alphabetically. πŸ”€
  • The activity log will now track when projects are archived or un-archived, and whether it's done manually or via a workflow. 😎
  • Email improvements! ⚑ For Gmail and SMTP users, we made a couple updates that will help bring in emails more consistently and reliably. More updates are planned for the future. ⏩
  • Any Stripe invoice in your billing history will now have a link to the invoice on Stripe. You'll then be able to download a PDF of the invoice and a PDF of the receipt for your Dubsado subscription. Nice to have it all in one place.
  • Now when a client reschedules an appointment and clicks the "Add to Calendar" button, the same link to the conferencing call will be added to the new date on their calendar. Some conferencing platforms may not update on their end, but future updates will address this.
  • If you only have one brand, you'll now skip the "Brand Select" page when you log in. Any time saved is a good thing. πŸƒπŸ’¨
  • When hovering over your notifications list in the corner, it's now more obvious that "Mark all as read" is clickable. πŸ€“
  • Added a new smart field! πŸ’ͺ "Address - Compact" is now available in the "Client" section of your smart field menus. This field will place all the components of a an address on one line, rather than breaking it down in a mailing format.


  • Fixed an issue where line item information in the "Invoice Item Names & Amounts" smart field was appearing under the wrong column when certain items had a discount applied. Now everything's where it should be. ☺️
  • Fixed a rare issue that allowed clients to book more appointments than the "Max Booking" setting had allowed.
  • Fixed the remaining issues that caused the number displayed in your "overdue invoices" count on the dashboard to be different from your actual number of overdue invoices. Now you can trust that number again. πŸ”’
  • Fixed an issue where the bulk select function on the Invoices page was not properly obeying the filters. We taught it some respect. It behaves much better now. πŸ˜‡
  • Fixed an issue where editing a workflow action in a project would take you to the first workflow in that project. Now you'll stay on the workflow you're trying to edit.
  • Fixed an issue where the date select in the "Refund and Uncollectible Balance" modal would not properly show the time in your time zone. 🌎🌍🌏
  • Fixed an issue where you could create a project with an end date before a start date. Let's try not to tear the fabric of space-time, okay? 🌌
  • Fixed an issue where payment reminder emails would sometimes show a $0 balance remaining, even if there were a balance. πŸ’°βš–οΈ
  • Fixed an issue where users who set their language settings to Arabic (UAE) were seeing issues adding items to invoices. The commas are now accounted for and all should be displaying correctly. πŸ‡¦πŸ‡ͺ


New feature

DKIM and SPF Records

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca β€’ October 14, 2022

Originally posted: August 6th, 2021

For anyone with a custom domain email address connected to Dubsado via SMTP, we have an important update for you! We've added new tools to your email settings to make it easier to set up DKIM and SPF records with your domain host.

These records will help you improve the security of the emails you send through Dubsado. That means less emails going to your client's spam!

If you connected your email to Dubsado through Google or Microsoft, or you don't use a custom domain name for your email, you're all set! These updates do not impact your account.

To set up and verify your DKIM and SPF records, get started by heading to Settings >> Emails in your Dubsado account. We have an in-depth help article here to help you step by step.

What are DKIM and SPF records?

Internet spammers will sometimes send emails through a domain that does not belong to them in order to fool the recipient. DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) and the Sender Policy Framework (SPF) are security protocols that help authenticate outgoing emails.

Setting up DKIM and SPF records in your domain helps your email provider recognize emails that you send through Dubsado as legitimate. This in turn will help your clients' email providers verify that emails you sent through Dubsado should be allowed through.

These records can also help protect you against spammers abusing your domain for sending emails. All in all, it's a good thing to have set up if you're using an email with a custom domain!

DKIM and SPF work to authenticate emails in slightly different ways. We recommend setting up both for best results!

Bug Fix

July Bug Fixes

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca β€’ October 14, 2022

Originally posted: July 30th, 2021

Features are fun but bug fixes are just as important. Here is a few key things we fixed in the last month!


  • Fixed an issue where a project would be created even if a client filled out a form with invalid dates. Now the project will not be created until the dates have been fixed. πŸ—“οΈβœ…
  • Fixed an issue where you you couldn't search for clients via email address when creating a new project. Search away! πŸ”Ž
  • Fixed an issue where the 'overdue invoices' counter on the dashboard did not match the number of invoices shown in that list. Overdue invoices are now properly catalogued. πŸ—’οΈπŸ–ŠοΈ
  • Fixed an issue where invoices created by workflows did not display the correct "paid" status.
  • Fixed an issue where a synced Cronofy calendar would become "stuck" in Dubsado due to an expired or invalid Cronofy account. No bueno. Now you'll be able to remove the calendar regardless!
  • Fixed an issue where the button to reschedule an appointment in a canned email was not populating the correct link. πŸ”—
  • Fixed an issue where workflow actions could not be bulk-updated from a relative date to a fixed date. Now it will function as intended. ☺️
  • Fixed an issue where a selected date range on the invoices list would not include the start and end dates. But now it does! So if you select July 1st - July 15th, you'll now see invoices from both of those dates as well as from every date in between. ✨Inclusivity✨
  • Removed the "Portal Password" smart field on forms. This was done as a security measure. Now when this smart field is used on a form, it will populate the client's email address instead of the password. However, you'll still be able to use this smart field within your emails!
  • There have been sightings of a PayPal payment pop-up appearing and then quickly disappearing. πŸ‘€ This doesn't affect anything, but we'd still prefer that it didn't happen, so our devs are working hard to identify the cause of this. Your days are numbered, PayPal ghost. πŸ‘»



Billing and Affiliate Updates

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca β€’ October 14, 2022

Originally posted: July 26th, 2021

With our annual summer sale kicking off this week, we felt it was the perfect time to bring some exciting updates to our affiliate dashboard and billing settings! You can access the affiliate dashboard and billing settings in your account by clicking on the gear icon in the top right corner.

Affiliate dashboard

Your affiliate dashboard has an all-new look and now includes some metrics to help you keep track of how your code is performing.

  • Conversion rate: Percentage of referrals you've received credit for out of everyone who's used your code so far.
  • Trial users: Users who have used your code to sign up for a free trial.
  • Pending users: Users who have used your code to sign up for a paid subscription within the last 60 days.
  • Total earnings: Credit earned from users who used your code to sign up and have kept their paid subscription for over 60 days.

Please note that all metrics will start tracking from July 26, 2021 onward. Even if you have earned affiliate credit in the past, all of your metrics will start at zero as we launch this feature. Your unredeemed affiliate credits will not be affected and will still be visible in the My credit section of the affiliate dashboard!

To learn more about our affiliate program and setting up an affiliate code, check out our help article. On July 21, we announced updated Affiliate Terms & Conditions.

Billing settings

The billing settings page got a fresh new look as well and now provides more details on your subscriptions.

  • If you enter a coupon code when subscribing, you'll see an updated total due today and clear terms for future automatic payments.
  • See your next billing date and payment amount for each subscription at a glance.
  • Click More >> Show add-ons on a brand to view your multi-user subscription tier.

We also added a few new features to make it easier to manage your payment method and records.

  • Easily see which payment card is stored on file and update it if needed.
  • Enter an optional Tax ID when starting a new subscription or while updating your payment method if you'd like that information to appear on your Dubsado subscription invoices.
  • Download past invoices for your records from the Billing history table.

Bug fix

  • Fixed an issue where sometimes an affiliate code was not saved on a new user's account after they signed up for a trial through an affiliate link.


Bug Fix

Week of June 14th, 2021 Bug Fixes

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca β€’ October 14, 2022

Originally posted: June 21st, 2021

Few bug fixes for you this week. Stay tuned in the coming weeks because we have some great updates coming!


  • Fixed an issue where the Invoices page was not properly loading for some users due to a calculating error. Now, if there is a remainder on an invoice that cannot be calculated, you will see 'N/A' displayed in the Payments column. πŸ’°
  • Fixed an issue where two scroll bars would appear if a long email was displayed in the reply window. πŸ“œπŸ“œ
  • Fixed an issue were the 'project source' and other mapped fields were not properly displaying in a lead capture form notification email. The email will now properly display what the client wrote or selected on the form. πŸ“βœ…


Bug Fix

Week of May 17th, 2021 Bug Fixes

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca β€’ October 14, 2022

Originally posted: May 21st, 2021

Some new bug fixes made their way in this week. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend. We cannot wait to get back to creating more awesome things for you all on Monday!


  • Now when syncing an invoice that has a refund applied, instead of an error message, there will be a message that specifically says that the refunds cannot be brought into Quckbooks or Xero. πŸ“šπŸ’°
  • Fixed an issue where reminder emails for contracts were not being sent properly. Now they're good to go ➑️➑️
  • Dubsado contracts saved as PDF's will now display the signature timestamp based on the user's time zone. 🌎
  • Fixed an issue where previewing a sub-agreement would show the current date on the user's countersignature instead of the date of the signing. Now the correct timestamp will be displayed.
  • Xero β€” discounts can be synced once again!
  • Xero β€” invoices with more than 7 line items can now be properly merged.
  • Fixed an issue where clicking on an appointment would produce a pop-up with an inconsistent title. Now, regardless of where you select the appointment, the title will be "Edit Appointment". ✏️
New feature

Invoice Filtering by Payment Status

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca β€’ October 14, 2022

Originally posted: May 6th, 2021

In your Dubsado account, you now have the ability to sort your invoices by current payment status. This makes it easy to see, at a glance, an entire list of invoices that are unpaid, in-progress, paid, overdue, or closed.

To see this new feature in action, head to REPORTING >> INVOICES. Here you will see a filters button. Click to access different filters you can add to sort your invoice page. Once you have your filters set how you'd like click APPLY FILTERS and you can look through the page.

Once you've applied the filters, you can also click the EXPORT AS CSV button to export just what is showing on that list.


Bug Fix
New feature

Week of April 26th, 2021 Bug Fixes

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca β€’ October 14, 2022

Originally posted: April 30th, 2021

Another week in the books and here we are with another round of bug updates.



  • Added more changes to address the issue of users being disconnected from their Xero accounts
  • Fixed an issue where fully paid invoices with refunds sometimes incorrectly showed a yellow status bar, indicating that they were still 'in progress'
  • Now when you submit a proposal with a payment plan to a project with a closed primary invoice, a new invoice will be created, and the payment plan will be applied to that new invoice. That was a marathon of a sentence, huh? πŸƒ
