Latest updates from the Dubsado team
Bug Fix

Week of June 14th, 2021 Bug Fixes

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: June 21st, 2021

Few bug fixes for you this week. Stay tuned in the coming weeks because we have some great updates coming!


  • Fixed an issue where the Invoices page was not properly loading for some users due to a calculating error. Now, if there is a remainder on an invoice that cannot be calculated, you will see 'N/A' displayed in the Payments column. 💰
  • Fixed an issue where two scroll bars would appear if a long email was displayed in the reply window. 📜📜
  • Fixed an issue were the 'project source' and other mapped fields were not properly displaying in a lead capture form notification email. The email will now properly display what the client wrote or selected on the form. 📝✅