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Bug Fix

Month of February Bug Fixes

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: March 4th, 2022

Security is always important for us. In a recent update, we updated short answer and free response fields to ensure that only the client can fill them out...not, you, the business owner. However, you can still edit information on the contract before you send it to your clients. If you’d like to include additional information for your client on a form or contract, we recommend using a text box. Text boxes cannot be edited by clients as they are just for you. 🔏

Learn how to navigate this change here:


  • Updated short answer and free response fields to ensure that only the client can fill them out, not the business owner. If you’d like to include additional information for your client on a form or contract, we recommend using a text box. Text boxes cannot be edited by clients. 🔏


  • Fixed an issue where the payment plan smart field was showing $0.00 for the amount due when previewing a form. It will now show the correct amount.
  • Fixed an issue where client-specific portal banners were not showing on mobile. It will now adjust and display properly. 🖼️
  • Fixed a rare issue where Microsoft emails were displaying a “viewed” status immediately after they were sent.
  • Fixed an issue where a multiuser’s notification settings were being reset when they were removed from a brand. Now the settings will persist.
  • Fixed an issue where the date selector on a form would move the date one day ahead depending on the brand time and local time. The date will now show correctly.
  • Fixed an issue in the “Receive money” section where a category could not be deselected.
  • Fixed an issue where custom text on a form’s submit button was being removed when the form was sent via workflow. ✅
  • Fixed an issue where tax payments on the “Transactions” page were not showing the correct categories.
  • Fixed an issue with changing form types. If a lead capture form with a workflow was changed to a questionnaire and then that questionnaire was attached to a scheduler, there would be an error. Now it will work properly.