Latest updates from the Dubsado team
Bug Fix

Month of January Bug Fixes

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: February 7th, 2022


  • 🔒New Security Update🔒
  • Now when you search for a project in the project search bar, you’ll be able to quickly see if a project is archived. An “Archived” status will be shown next to the project name.
  • Now when you edit an email from within a “Send Appointment Scheduler” workflow action, you’ll find the smart fields to send scheduler and scheduler group links. 📤


  • Fixed an issue where the client’s name wasn’t appearing on the invoice when paying a booking deposit. Now it will appear as it should. 🧾
  • Fixed an issue where subtotals were not displaying properly in various places across Dubsado. But we’ve rounded up all the numbers and they’ve agreed to cooperate. Well, we didn’t round up the numbers. You get it. 🤠🐑
  • Fixed an issue where some outgoing emails were being seen duplicated on the receiving side of an email thread. 👯‍♀️
  • Fixed an issue where some users reported seeing a “Customer already exists” error payment info with a tax ID.
  • Fixed an issue where a duplicate client entry would be created in the address book through a public proposal attached to a scheduler.
  • Fixed an issue where you couldn’t remove tags from an “Add Tag” workflow action without applying more tags first. Weird, huh? Now it will work properly.
  • Fixed an issue where applying a 100% discount to an invoice would not mark it as paid. Now it will! Additionally, if a payment has already been applied to an invoice, you will no longer be able to apply a 100% discount. 🧮
  • Fixed a rare issue where the contract status on the Projects page was not updating. 🔃
  • Fixed a rare issue where the signature field on contracts and sub-agreements was allowing clients to select the date. The date will now populate automatically. 📅
  • Fixed an issue where recurring invoices could be edited after they started. Not good. Now if you wish to make any changes to a recurring invoice, you’ll have to stop it and start a new one.
  • Fixed an issue with signature timestamps. Now the date and time will be displayed according to your brand’s locale settings. 🌎