Latest updates from the Dubsado team
New feature

Date Conflict Checker

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: July 12th, 2018

For those of you that run business where making sure to not double book is vital for you, this feature is for you. Say hello to our new Date Conflict Checker.

Here's how it works:

Turn ON the Conflict Checker in CURRENT BRAND SETTINGS >> SETTINGS.

Now whenever someone fills our your lead capture that has a mapped JOB DATE field, it will check to see if you have conflicts on any other dates. So the lead will come in like this:

Now I click APPROVE and it will show me if anything is conflicting with that date:

Here I can check the jobs, appointments, and even remote calendars with dates that might conflict with it. If I need to make any adjustments to the date, I can do so on this screen as well! All is well, you can just click APPLY on the popup!

Also when you create a job or lead manually with a job date as you are inputting it will show you as you what dates might be conflicting with it.

This is just a very light and simple alert, but will hopefully help in any future double bookings if you can't be in two places at once ;)

**NOTE: You CAN turn this feature off in the settings tab of current brand settings.


Customization of "Projects" tab in Portal

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: July 11th, 2018

We have had requests to change the lingo for the "projects" tab in the portal. You all are used to that verbiage within Dubsado, but we want your clients to have the wording they are used to with you. Now, you can change that!

Head to CURRENT BRAND SETTINGS >> PORTAL and you will find the "projects label override" function along with lots of other portal customization that we have had.

Change the text there and it will change here:

Hope you enjoy! Of course, we are always working on additional customizations and added awesomeness as always...back to work we go!


Update on Saving Forms

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: May 31st, 2018

Two updates to saving forms!

  1. Now your clients are able to SAVE a form even if all required fields are not filled out. However, they will not be able to submit until all required fields are filled out.
  2. You will receive alerts that your client saved forms as well. These will come in as a different "type" of alert so you do know if they have just saved a draft vs. completing it. This way you will always know when your clients are "active" in your questionnaires.

    Sally Sandy submitted a draft of your questionnaire: XXXX = drafts
    Sally Sandy completed your questionnaire: XXX = fully complete and then clicking SUBMIT


Saving Draft on Forms "update"

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: May 23rd, 2018

You were always able to save drafts on questionnaires, but only if all required fields were filled out. Now clients can save their progress on questionnaires at anytime even without the required fields filled out.


Workflow Bulk Update

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: May 1st, 2018

We have just added the ability to bulk update workflows that are already applied to jobs. Now when you update the template workflow, you have the option to update it on jobs / leads the workflow is already applied to. Adding actions, deleting actions, editing emails, etc... Once you make any edit to the TEMPLATE workflow a "Update Job Workflows" button will appear. When this button is clicked, it will bulk update all jobs and leads with that workflow on it with your new changes.

Once you click that button a prompt will allow you to approve those new changes. Once the changes are applied they cannot be undone.

As of May 2nd: This feature has only been rolled out to about 10% of you and over the course of the next few days will be released to all.

- Any *new* actions that are added into the workflow template to bulk update, will add to the end of the workflow.
- Any actions that are already completed in an applied job will not change.

New feature

CloudSpot Integration: Part 1

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: April 15th, 2018

CloudSpot (this link will give you 20% off CloudSpot forever) is a stunning way to create and to deliver online galleries to your clients.

Current Integration - Adding galleries from CloudSpot into the client portal all through Dubsado.

Once you have a CloudSpot account, you can head to Dubsado. Click your logo at the top right and then CURRENT BRAND SETTINGS >> INTEGRATIONS.

On this page you can then connect to CloudSpot.

Now go through and connect your CloudSpot account by signing in the prompt and Authorize Access.

Now you are connected!

Once you have created your galleries in CloudSpot (learn the how to for that here), you can head to a job or lead page. Under FORMS you can pick from the dropdown "Add CloudSpot Gallery Link"

Once I click to add my gallery link, it will pop up with all my available galleries that I have not added yet.

This will now add it to the job.

VIEW - opens a new tab to view the link
SEND - allows you to send the gallery link via email in Dubsado
EDIT - allows you to change the gallery if need be
MARK SENT - puts the link in the client portal for clients to access there.
**CloudSpot galleries will appear on the homepage of the client portal as well as in documents**

We are excited for part 1 of our integration and look forward to all the more possibilities with CloudSpot.

All you non-photographers, we have lots more coming...don't you worry

New feature

Workflow Overview Chart

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: April 15th, 2018

To say we are excited for this is an understatement. WE ARE THRILLED to launch workflow overview today. Workflow overview allows you to see your workflows at a glance. For example, this is my branding workflow.

To get to the overview view, click into TEMPLATES >> WORKFLOW and click VIEW to view that workflow overview:

OR you can go into a job or lead and under WORKFLOW there, you can view all jobs/leads on that workflow:

Once clicked, it will pull up with the overview.

I can easily see at a glance ALL my jobs on that workflow. What is nice about this feature is the ability to see at a glance what is paused / active, what has been completed, in progress, or what actions might have failed to run.

From this view you can check off to do actions:

You can also hover over the actions to get more info about them and click incomplete actions to force them or do more actions:

We have optimized it for LARGE workflows as well. As an example, I shrunk my screen to show you. With long workflows both horizontally and vertically, you will always know what you are looking at since the X and Y axis are always in view.


This feature is ONLY available on workflows applied from the last week of March and on. Any workflow applied before that will not show in the overview. A work around for that would be to reapply the workflow and mark completed the actions that have already been completed.

New feature

White Labeling your URL in Dubsado

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: April 4th, 2018

The ultimate customization in Dubsado is here. White labeling is now launched!

What is White Labeling?

White labeling is the ability to change the domain from Dubsado's domain to yours. For example when you send an invoice or form etc... in Dubsado instead of it saying in the URL it can say (for example) Pretty neat, huh?

We have all the how to on getting that set up in your account here.

If you don't see it launched in your account yet hang tight as this is rolling out to accounts over the next few days!

New feature

Custom Mapped Fields

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: March 15th, 2018

Custom mapped fields make Dubsado YOUR system. You can add in fields that are relevant to your business so always the best most pertinent information showing in the job or client.

To start, add in your custom fields under TEMPLATES >> CUSTOM MAPPED FIELD

On the Custom Mapped Field page click CREATE in the section you'd like to add the field.

CLIENT tab - this is for Custom Fields that only pertain to the client. For example, if you have a client that has multiple jobs with you, this client info will show with each job since it is tied to the client. Perfect for client birthday's, other social media info, how many kids they have, etc...

JOB tab - this is for the Custom Fields that only pertain to the job. This info will only stick on the job and is not tied to the client. Perfect for project or job specific information. Examples might be second job locations, etc...

When adding the custom field, you can type in the title for it, and what it will be short answer or date.

Short Answer - maps to the short answer fields

Date - maps only to date fields.

How to use:

You can intake information on contracts, sub-agreements, questionnaires, proposals, and lead capture forms. In all these forms, you can use short answer or date fields to map your new information. So when the client fills out this info on the form, it will pull that info also into the job or client.

This is a sample form that was filled out with my custom mapped fields:

Now when the client submits the form it will pull into the job like this:

If you have other custom fields that were added in your TEMPLATE >> CUSTOM MAPPED FIELD area, they will not show in the job or client UNTIL THEY ARE FILLED IN. This helps reduce clutter and unnecessary fields. For example here: MAKE was not a question in my questionnaire. Since it was not filled in, it will not show up in the list on the job until filled in. If you would like to manually fill in the field yourself, you can click EDIT on that section and add:

You can do the same with the client details.

Using the Smart Fields

When you add in a mappable field, it also creates a smart field for it so you can have it auto-fill in emails or elsewhere in forms.

***Note, do not change the text within the variable or smart field. If it is changed, the variable will not be valid!***


- I would NOTE create a smart field for EVERYTHING. Only keep the most relevant information you want to be easily seen.
- You can only map short answer and date fields.
- Do not edit or change a smart field's text in any way.

New feature

Office Hours

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: March 13th, 2018

"Office hours" is here! (launched only on a small percentage of accounts and will be adding to more and more everyday). Office hours is a simple tool that will only allow emails to send in workflow during the time that you set. You let Dubsado know when your office hours are... say 9am - 5pm and it will only send workflow emails at that time. Any workflow emails there were to send during the off hours will be held until 9am the next morning.

It is simple to set up too! Head on over to TEMPLATES >> WORKFLOWS. Right on that workflows page you can find the set office hours text. Click that to set them!

And then you can set the hours you want your workflow to work:


- There is not a setting for weekends currently.
- These office hours are ONLY for workflows.
- This features has ONLY been rolled out to a small percentage of users, and will continue to release to more and more everyday!