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New feature

Private Forms

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: September 27th, 2018

We have added the ability to password protect forms. All forms on Dubsado are secure, but anyone with the link to that form can access it. If you wanted to add a layer of protection to the form this feature will be great for you!

How to enable the form privacy setting?

By default, this all forms are "public" which means anyone with the LINK to the form can view it. To activate the password for forms, it can be done on a TEMPLATE level or per client. Head into EDIT that form and click SETTINGS. At the bottom of settings, you can adjust the privacy. Doing at a template level will make all clients enter in a password for the forms. By changing to private on a client level, it will just be for that client and not change the template.

How to set a password for the forms?

The password protected form feature uses the password and login info from the client portal. To use the form password feature you must have client portals active. If client portals are not active and your forms are set to private, your client will not be able to view their form.

Forms that are password protected in a non-password protected portal do not require a password.

How does this change existing forms?

Nothing changes on existing forms and templates. It will just function as you are used to. If you would like to use this feature that is where you enable the form's privacy settings.


Q: Can my client create their own password for the portal / forms?
A: No, not at this time. Passwords are only set by you.

Q: Does my client have to login to their password protected for even if it is within a client portal they already logged into?
A: No, the form does not need to be unlocked again if the client has already logged into the portal.

Q: Which forms can be private?
A: All forms have the ability to be private...Even lead capture forms. Lead capture forms when private are STILL viewable when embedded but when completed, if set as private, a password would be needed to view.