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New feature

New User Interface

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: August 12th, 2018

We are extremely excited to launch our new UI. This is something our team has been hard at work on for a bit now. The most exciting thing about this new User Interface change is that it was the last LARGE step we needed to take before we make some great headway on our scheduler.

Now lots has changed on the interface, but it is still the same Dubsado feel you are used to, just with more functionality and a better layout. Be sure to read all the way through to be completely informed about everything new!

Here is what changed with video and text formats below:


Financial Goal Planner - This is to set an annual or monthly financial goal for yourself that you can achieve. A green bar below the star will appear when progress is made! This can be changed at anytime with a new goal and it will adjust. Financial Goals with the Recent section can be hidden from view if you don't wish to see that. You can do so in SETTINGS. If you have any basic or accounting users set up with any level of login access to your account, they will NOT see this entire top section (Financial Goals, Projected Income, Revenue Indicator, and Recent). Only the OWNER/ADMIN of the account can see these stats at the top.

Projected Income - This is similar to before on the dashboard but it is ALL outstanding invoices you have for that current year.

Revenue Indicator - The revenue indicator compares your current month's revenue to the last month. It will show a percentage of how much more or less you made from the month prior. This is a great way to gauge and pace to make more money each month in your business.

Recent - These are items that need your attention. This will show any invoices that have missed payments (via payment schedules), contracts that are pending your signature, and any Dubsado news "heads up".

Calendar Overview - Display your calendar on the dashboard by just an overview, monthly view or weekly (this view was on the old dashboard). If you choose the overview tab, it will show the next 10 upcoming items. To sync your calendar head to CALENDAR on the main menu and sync there. Synced calendars, upcoming projects, tasks with due dates, appointments, and any upcoming payments you have on client's invoices due via payment schedule (this one is only available in overview and weekly views) will show in this calendar section on the dashboard.

Financials - This is a deeper look into money you have received and compare it to any date you select.

Tasks - This was on the old dashboard as well, however, we added more detail. Tasks will show here on the dashboard only if there is a due date OR they are assigned to you. We do this to keep only your most pressing tasks close. There is not a limit to how many tasks can appear here now. To view ALL your tasks, you can head to that dedicated section in Dubsado via the main menu >> TASKS.

Search Bar - This search bar shows on ALL pages throughout your Dubsado account. So anywhere you are, you can open up a search. Currently, it searches clients (name and email) and projects (project name). Just start typing and results will appear. In the future, we will be expanding this search to emails and tasks.

Inbox - There is now an 'archive all' functionality on the inbox.


We have moved the settings area to the top right corner of Dubsado.

All brand settings can now be accessed there. In this brand setting area, we have added and moved some things around. The new brand settings menu options in the settings tab are on the left hand side.

Branding - This tab has not changed.

Dashboard - Here you can turn off or on your financial indicators & recent tab. You can also change the color scheme of your Dubsado interface accent colors. This is only for your view. Selecting your color here will not change anything for your clients. For example, if I set my color to ORANGE all throughout Dubsado I will see those accent colors of ORANGE.

Portal - Nothing new here!

Multi Users - We have combined the users and teams tabs into one here. To toggle to the users or tabs section, you can click on the tabs at the top of the section:

International Settings - Nothing new here!

Receive Money - We have combined the past receive money tab with our template invoices page in this new look. Again, to toggle between the two, click the tabs at the top of that section.

Calendar - You can now sync your calendar here in the brand settings!

Emails - Nothing new here!

Integrations - We combined a few things here. Now in this tab, you can access the Zapier API Keys, CloudSpot Integration, and Quickbooks!

Domain Names - Nothing new here!

Custom Mapped Fields - Nothing new here!

Settings - Nothing new here!


Big, awesome changes here. Now on the new PROJECTS tab you can view leads and jobs. This now means that jobs can have a funnel.

We have made it so you can still view them separately so they are not all mixed together.

1 - You can view your lead funnel here. By clicking ALL, it will show all leads!
2 - Your job funnel will be here. By clicking ALL, it will show all jobs!
3 - If your funnel curves around like shown above, it means you have more funnel categories that are hidden. Click that grey area to expand, and on expanded view click the white area to collapse.

4 - This will show all jobs and leads COMBINED. This tab is great for any mass searching you'd like to do or exporting your job and lead lists.
5 - Archived is now a funnel you can search through and see all your archived jobs or leads. You can now un-archive them here, as well as in the address book too!

Customize - By clicking the customize button, it will take you to a new screen to customize items within this projects page.

Project Status - Here you can click ADD STATUS to add a new status to the lead or job funnel. Click and drag to move the statuses around.

Locking in a Project Status - To LOCK in a project status so each time you view the projects page, it always views that status, click the check box at the top right of that status in customize mode:

Columns - You can adjust what info what you want to see on the projects overview page. For example, if you don't want to see if the contract has been signed or not, you can remove that column entirely or add another...maybe choose from a job custom field you have set up too! It is a great way to see the info you want at a glance. You cannot remove the title of the project, client, or workflow column. The "actions" column is not counted here.

Tags - On this page you can add new tags to assign to projects. Tags can also be created within a project.

Filter - Along with the mass search at the top of Dubsado, you can filter results here on the projects page. Click the Filter button to expand.

Here you can type in a search by project title or client name. You can also search by tags and by who the job is assigned to.

Inside a job or lead

It is the same view you are used to, just with some minor adjustments.

Tags - Tags are now added to the left side view on a project. Click the downward arrow to view tags you have set up already or to create a new one.

Project Status - You can see the "status" and funnel the project is in on the left side as well. Click the dropdown to change the status.

Upgrading a lead to a job - This can be done purely through the funnel statuses now. For example, if I want to take this lead from "emailed" and upgrade it to a job under "logo design", all I need to do is change the status.

Another great feature is now you are able to upgrade lead statuses to jobs through workflows!


Previously known as Bookkeeping, this tab is now Accounting. The only menu item here that changed is the INVOICES. Within invoices you can now toggle to invoices and overdue invoices. Invoices shows all invoices that are paid and unpaid. Overdue invoices shows (through payment schedules) invoices that are behind or past due on payment.


This is a whole new menu item with all old things inside. Here you can find the Form List, Address Book, and Time Tracker.


We simplified this as well. The only thing added in here is a preview to where the scheduler will be located.


The Invoice settings editor can be found in SETTINGS >> RECEIVE MONEY.

Tax items now can be added directly on an invoice. If they need to be edited, you can do so in ACCOUNTING >> CHART OF ACCOUNTS.

Custom mapped fields can be found in SETTINGS >> CUSTOM MAPPED FIELDS.

Templates >> Forms

On the form overview page, we cleaned it up a bit and took out the duplicate and delete icons from view. To see those, hover over the form.

The view when clicking into the form has changed as well. Now when clicking into a form, it takes you right into EDIT MODE.

In edit mode of the form, the settings for the form can be found at the top of the page.

To save your progress as you go, the save button is the first option that you see on the form. Click the downward arrow to view more save options.
Save and Close - Saves the form and closes it
Save As - Saves the form but as a copy
Save and Preview - Saves the form and takes you to the preview of it without edit options

Templates >> Workflow

Change Project Status - Since leads and jobs are both now in funnels, you can move project statuses with a workflow action.

Add Tag - Within a certain time you set in a workflow, you can add a tag(s) to the project.

And that is all for now folks! Any questions, please email or chat us using the chat icon in your Dubsado dashboard!

Thank you for being part of the Dubsado family! So happy to have you here!