Latest updates from the Dubsado team
New feature

Uploading PDF's to Templates

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: March 11th, 2018

Very small but large change to the templates page today! We have added the ability to upload PDF's under the questionnaire area. This is great for those PDF's that you wanted to send in Dubsado instead of attaching manually each time. Now you can save those within the system and send just like you would a form.

Important Details:

Due to the nature of the other form types, the PDF uploader will only be available in QUESTIONNAIRES :)

PDf's that are uploaded need to stay under 5mb to upload into Dubsado.

Now keep in mind, by uploading your PDF here, this does not make it editable or give the client the ability to fill it in. If you want your forms editable or have the ability for your clients to fill out, it would need to be re-entered in as a Dubsado form (don't forget, we help enter in up to 10 forms in for you for free. Just email them over to us). But this added feature is perfect for those informational PDF docs.

It uploads as the saved NAME of the PDF. Once uploaded, you cannot edit the name.

How to send PDF's through Dubsado:

To send a PDF through Dubsado, it is just like a regular form. Once the PDF is uploaded to Dubsado, head to the job or lead and under the form dropdown you can pick your PDF template there.

You can also send them through workflow using the SEND FORM option!

New feature

White Labeling - Part 1

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: March 4th, 2018

This is part one of our White Labeling Release. With part one, you can change the favicon, window name, and preview text when pasting into Facebook and such. To access this new feature head to CURRENT BRAND SETTINGS >> URL.

What it looks like live on contracts, invoices, portals,etc:

When the link is pasted in social sites:

This is a great branding feature as your logo will be at the window of any form, invoice, contract, client portal, etc... Dubsado's name will not be up at the top anymore.

***Note: This release is not launching the domain portion of the white labeling. That will be coming with part two and that will be launching soon! :) ***


Workflow Update Part 3 - Creating Invoices in Workflow

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: February 11th, 2018

Continuing on with our workflow updates from last week. We have just added the ability to CREATE an invoice within a workflow. Before, you were only able to send an invoice via workflow once you have created the invoice in the job. But lots of users wanted the ability to create and invoice and send with the workflow without doing ANY work. This is perfect for those people who need to send an invoice ASAP right after a lead capture form is filled out and many other things...

We have created a new workflow action called "CREATE INVOICE"

You can add line items manually or select from packages. You are also given the ability to apply a template payment schedule to it.

Send Email with Invoice option

By leaving this unchecked, it DOES NOT send an email to your clients. It only creates the invoice and adds it to the job or lead. By checking that box, you are prompted with the email to send with the invoice and checked it will send an email to your clients.

Sending the Primary Invoice

Now if the old way of sending invoices via workflow worked for you, we still have that option on there if you need it.


Workflow Updates Part 2

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: February 7th, 2018

Some more workflow updates coming at you today!

Sending Forms to the Portal in Workflow

Now in workflow you can send forms via email, send forms to the portal, or just add the form to the job/lead without even sending.

SEND EMAIL AND APPLY TO PORTAL - This is the usual old action where it sends the form and sends it to the portal
APPLY TO PORTAL - This does not send an email, but only applies to the portal.
APPLY TO JOB ONLY - This does not send an email or send it to the portal. This only adds to the job for your view.


Workflow Updates

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: February 5th, 2018


We have now added the ability to auto activate and deactivate the client portal via workflow!

Then, if you want to send them the client portal details, the next step in your workflow can be SEND EMAIL with the portal smart field in it.


It used to say "event" in the action, but we changed that to "job"


Added "after job start date" and "before job end date"

Changing Lead Status

Lastly with this update, we have added the ability for workflow for change the status of a lead when something happens :)

Hope you enjoy these workflow updates!


Task Board Updates

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: January 28th, 2018

We have made a couple updates to the task board section of Dubsado.

1. Filtering the VIEW of boards in TASKS >> BOARDS.

2. When uploading an IMAGE in a task, you can now see the preview!


Auto Assigning Users in Workflow Todos

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: January 22nd, 2018


In a workflow, in the creation of a todo, you can now auto-assign users / teams to that task. By doing that, come time in the workflow to trigger that todo, it will send an email alert and show up on the user's to do list!

**this will not send the reminder to you, but only to the user you assigned it to.

If you don't need to auto-assign users, you can leave that area blank.

New feature

Affiliate Dashboard

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: January 17th, 2018

We are excited to now have an affiliate dashboard where you can create and check in on how many credits you have. To find it, click your logo or business name at the top right and the AFFILIATE.

If you do not have a code yet, you can make your code on the new affiliate page. Our affiliate program is pretty sweet. For everyday paid subscription that signs up with your code, THEY get 20% off their first month or year and YOU get a month's worth of credits (currently $25). If it is not allowing you to input the code, it is already taken. Your code can be changed, but if you do, your old one cannot be redeemed.

If you are not on a paid plan, the credits will apply when you subscribe to Dubsado.

If you are on a Forever Plan, at $100 you can request to redeem your credits. Once you do, a check will be mailed to you. Forever plans and users who do not have a subscription are the only accounts that can redeem credits in check form. Otherwise, users with Dubsado plans, it will apply to your account as account credits.

Again, this buy out sending check option is only for forever plans and users who do not have a subscription are the only accounts that can redeem credits in check form. All other users with plans, will receive Dubsado credits.


Few Updates

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: January 8th, 2018

A few updates coming at you today!

1. Navigate to most recent email when clicking into an email stream. Before, on mobile especially, it was difficult if you had a long email thread to scroll through past replies to get to the new one. Now going to the email in Dubsado, in inbox or within the job or lead, it will scroll automatically directly to that newest reply.

2. If a recurring invoice has been selected to auto pay it will now show on the overall invoices tab within that job or lead.

3. In conversation mode, you now have the option to reply to all the original users you emailed in first email.

or you can uncheck it and keep it between just you and the main contact on the job.


Export ALL Client / Lead List

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: January 7th, 2018

Other update coming at you today! We have added the ability to export the ENTIRE client or lead list instead of a page at a time!

To find the export, head to LEADS and at the top right EXPORT. OR ADDRESS BOOK and top right EXPORT.