Latest updates from the Dubsado team
New feature

Lead / Project Reporting Phase 1

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: March 25th, 2019

Phase 1 of Lead / Project Reporting is here.

What is project reporting? The ability to categorize and track where projects came from based on sources you have set up. This will allow you to effectively see where most of your business is coming from and where others might be dropping off. Project reporting will be a valuable insight into your business to analyze its strength and weaknesses.

This launch is phase 1. Phase 1 is a very basic release but with a larger impact for phase 2. This release includes setting up your lead sources (Instagram, Facebook, Google, etc...). You can then manually add the source to a project or include it as a question on a questionnaire, lead capture or proposal form. (Ex. How did you hear about us? Options: Instagram, Facebook, Google, whatever you set up)

What is so important about this Phase 1 launch is it is gathering lots of data for round 2. Phase 2 will consist of reporting, metrics, why a lead didn't book with you, etc... Our team is working hard on that release. For now, you can still benefit greatly from all that Phase 1 allows.

Here is what is released in Phase 1:

Adding Project Sources

To create a new lead source, head to REPORTING >> PROJECT SOURCES and click ADD SOURCE.

Enter the name of the source (i.e. Facebook, Google, Instagram, Word of Mouth, etc.) and pick a color for the tag. Click Save to add the source!

Choose a color or enter a HEX code and click "Add" then "Use this color" to apply it.

Applying Project Sources to Projects

Project Source Tags are applied to individual projects. Open the project you would like to tag with a lead source and scroll down until you see the heading Referral Source in the left side bar. Simply select the source you would like to apply to that project from the dropdown.

You can also select "Create New Source" to add a new lead source tag on the fly. It will be saved so that you can use it on other projects in the future.

Have client choose their referral source

Questionnaires, Proposals and Lead Capture forms are the forms that have the lead tracking question option.

Click and drag that into the form and add your sources or add more here as well:

And to your client, it will just look like a regular question:

But once that form is submitted, it will show as the referral source on the project:

Phase 1 - Data gathering options

On the REPORTING >> PROJECT SOURCES page is where you create those sources. To view what jobs are in what category (for phase 1) head to PROJECTS and then you can filter from there.

Any questions, feel free to chat or email us at

New feature

Relative Expiration Dates on Forms

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: March 1st, 2019

Ending with a big one! Birthday Feature Day 5: Relative Expiration Dates on Forms

Now all forms, except lead capture forms, can have an expiration date set with the ability to add reminders to send to clients. Once a form is expired, the client cannot fill out the form anymore and it is locked until unexpired. Takes but just a few seconds to set up.

Head to the template you wish to set an expiration date on, then click SETTINGS.

Set the expiration date to be relative, fixed or none if you don't want it to expire.

Breakdown of the relative times
Relative dates can go off of X amount of hours, weeks, days or months
- after job start = this work off the start date of the project (ex: say you want the form to be due 2 days after the jobs start date)
- before job start = this works off the start date of the project (ex: say you want the form to be due 1 day before the job starts)
- after job end = this works off the end date of the project (ex: say you want the form to be due 1 day after the project ends)
- before job end = this works off the end date of the project (ex: say you want the form to be due 1 day before the project end date)
- after applied to job = right when the form is applied to the job (ex: form is due 2 days after you apply it to the project)

What's next?
Once you set the due date, you have the option to add reminders to that form. These reminders work off one email template that you can customize in TEMPLATES >> CANNED EMAILS >> EDIT TEMPLATES. It is titled "Form Reminder Email".

Once you apply that form to the project it will work off whatever due date that you have set. The reminders will fire off automatically, and once they have sent, they will show in the email history of that project.


Canned Email Update

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: February 27th, 2019

Birthday Feature Day 4: Canned Email Update

  1. We have added the option to add canned emails & the multiple form links in an email feature when replying to an email (conversation mode).

  2. We have moved the location to add a canned email within a new email pop up.

Just a nice simple UI update with big impact. We are excited.

Any questions, shoot us an email or chat!


Multiple Links in an Email

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: February 26th, 2019

Birthday Feature Day 3: Multiple Links in Emails

We are excited for today's feature of multiple links in emails. This was a requested feature for a little while and we are happy it is here.

Why is this feature so exciting? Well, before, if you had multiple forms that you wanted to send in an couldn't since that form link smart field only picked the form you actually clicked send on. This feature allows you to add multiple forms, appointment schedulers, invoices, contracts, sub-agreements...all in one email.

How to add these links to your email

To add these links to your email, head to a PROJECT and add the forms, invoices, contract, appointments, etc.. whatever you are wanting to add to the email... add that to the project FIRST. Once everything is added, click SEND EMAIL on the email tab of that project. Next click the square icon on that email pop up:

This pop up will show ONLY the items that you added to the project.

Note: This works on projects only at the moment. We will be adding this to workflows soon!

Any questions, please feel free to shoot us an email and we are happy to help!


Square Auto Payments on Recurring Invoices

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: February 25th, 2019

Our day two birthday feature! For those users who have connected Square to their account, we have a special new feature. Square auto payments!

For any recurring invoice, you’ll now be able have your client select an “auto charge future invoices” option. Before this option was only limited to Stripe. We are excited that Square is now an option as well.

More info on how to set up recurring payments on recurring invoices here:

New feature

Public Proposals

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: February 24th, 2019

Today's birthday feature is public proposals. If you do not see it yet, it might take a few hours to roll out to your account. Just keep refreshing!

What are public proposals?

It is the ability to embed your proposals on your website. Have clients pick packages, sign the contract and pay the invoice all without leaving your site. This functions similar to our lead capture forms you are used to. You can add a default workflow to it as well. (Workflow dropdown for different workflow options on a proposal coming soon.) Alternatively, if you didn't want to embed, you can use a public link to the proposal, and like a lead capture form, this one link can be used over and over again.

What happens what happens when a public proposal is used?

When a client fills out your embedded or public shared link proposal, a client and project is created for them. The proposal, contract and invoice will all be stored in that new project that was created.

How to enable public proposals

Head into your proposal template, TEMPLATES >> FORMS. Create a new proposal or choose from an existing one. In the settings of the proposal click YES on creating a new project when proposal is completed. This now means every time this proposal is used, it creates a new project. (Note: if you do not want your proposal to create a new project, create another template for one that you will be using to apply to specific clients.) Clicking YES, will give you additional options to use with your public proposals.

You need to have 3 required fields before saving and sharing. FIRST NAME, LAST NAME, and EMAIL. Without those required mapped fields it will not allow you to get the code needed to publicly share your proposal. After you have added those fields, SAVE the form and the share button will allow you to click on it.

How to share your public proposal

To share your public proposal, after you have your first name, last name and email required fields on the form, click SHARE.

And choose from either your embed code or the URL.

Any questions or support needed on this feature, please email us ( or chat with us using the chat icon in your Dubsado dashboard.


Custom Time Increments

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: February 6th, 2019

With this update you now have the ability to display your scheduler in custom time increments.

What are time increments?
Time increments are how your availability is displayed. It has nothing to do with the length or duration of the appointment times, just how it would be displayed for the client to book. For example, if I have set for the time increment to be 15mins. The times would display at 9:00, 9:15, 9:30, etc...

With this update...
So with this update, instead of the past set increments of 15, 30 and 60 mins, you have the ability to have the scheduler display the times in increments from 5 mins - 120 mins.


Rearranging Forms in a Project

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: January 22nd, 2019

You can now rearrange the order of forms from within a project. Changing the order of forms on the project reflects these changes within the client portal under the projects section. (This does not change the home page on the portal. The home page shows most recently added and incomplete)

To change the order, click and drag the form from within the project to the space you'd like it to be in.


Monthly View for the Scheduler

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: January 10th, 2019

It has been so fun adding exciting updates to the Scheduler since our launch in November. Today's fun scheduler update is an added monthly view. We are thrilled that now you have the option to choose how your client will see your scheduler you set up.

This is applied on a template level by the user. When it is switched on, it will default to previewing the times for the first available date on the right hand side. If there are no available days/times for the client to select, it will show a brief message noting that there are no times available next to the calendar.

To change your scheduler view to the new monthly view, head to the ADVANCED SETTINGS in your template and turn ON the monthly view.

Any questions, feel free to email or chat us! We are always happy to help!


Couple Updates

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: January 9th, 2019

  1. Canned emails can now be copied. To do so, click the copy button!

  2. When editing a package in TEMPLATES >> PACKAGES you now have the option to update the package on the proposal template it is applied to. (Note: this does not change any packages on proposals that have already been added into a project. It will only update your proposal template).