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New feature

Project Activity Tracker

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: June 20th, 2019

This is phase one of our Project Activity Tracker feature. The goal with activity tracker is to give you more insight to the "history" on your account. With this feature, you will be able to see what a user or workflow does on a project. As this feature develops, you will be able to see actions, removal of items, adding of items, etc... on that project. Especially when working with teams, it will give you the heads up on what is done.


What is included with this release

With this phase one release, you can keep track of the following items:
- Adding/Removing tags from a project (within workflows as well)
- Changing the project status (within workflows as well)
- Changing the notes or call logs within a project
- Changing the project title
- Changing the project date

One of my favorite parts of this feature is you can see what user is doing what and if it was done via workflow, it will show that as well

Where to find Activity Tracker

Head to any project. Click notes and then activity log:

This is not retroactive. It will start tracking the above items from now on.

What will be coming with future releases

In future releases of this feature we will be launching:
- when appointment created
- when appointment updated
- when appointment deleted
- when appointment scheduler template added
- applied invoice
- sent invoice
- updated invoice
- email replied
- email deleted
- applied line item
- applied package
- removed invoice item
- created payment scheduler
- sent payment reminder
- approved workflow action
- update workflow action
- completed workflow action
- forced workflow action
You get the idea...basically all that you can do within in a project, will be recorded. We cannot wait for the full release on this!