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Lead / Project Reporting Phase 1

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: March 25th, 2019

Phase 1 of Lead / Project Reporting is here.

What is project reporting? The ability to categorize and track where projects came from based on sources you have set up. This will allow you to effectively see where most of your business is coming from and where others might be dropping off. Project reporting will be a valuable insight into your business to analyze its strength and weaknesses.

This launch is phase 1. Phase 1 is a very basic release but with a larger impact for phase 2. This release includes setting up your lead sources (Instagram, Facebook, Google, etc...). You can then manually add the source to a project or include it as a question on a questionnaire, lead capture or proposal form. (Ex. How did you hear about us? Options: Instagram, Facebook, Google, whatever you set up)

What is so important about this Phase 1 launch is it is gathering lots of data for round 2. Phase 2 will consist of reporting, metrics, why a lead didn't book with you, etc... Our team is working hard on that release. For now, you can still benefit greatly from all that Phase 1 allows.

Here is what is released in Phase 1:

Adding Project Sources

To create a new lead source, head to REPORTING >> PROJECT SOURCES and click ADD SOURCE.

Enter the name of the source (i.e. Facebook, Google, Instagram, Word of Mouth, etc.) and pick a color for the tag. Click Save to add the source!

Choose a color or enter a HEX code and click "Add" then "Use this color" to apply it.

Applying Project Sources to Projects

Project Source Tags are applied to individual projects. Open the project you would like to tag with a lead source and scroll down until you see the heading Referral Source in the left side bar. Simply select the source you would like to apply to that project from the dropdown.

You can also select "Create New Source" to add a new lead source tag on the fly. It will be saved so that you can use it on other projects in the future.

Have client choose their referral source

Questionnaires, Proposals and Lead Capture forms are the forms that have the lead tracking question option.

Click and drag that into the form and add your sources or add more here as well:

And to your client, it will just look like a regular question:

But once that form is submitted, it will show as the referral source on the project:

Phase 1 - Data gathering options

On the REPORTING >> PROJECT SOURCES page is where you create those sources. To view what jobs are in what category (for phase 1) head to PROJECTS and then you can filter from there.

Any questions, feel free to chat or email us at