Originally posted: August 19th, 2019
Scheduler Groups are a group of Appointment Schedulers that can be sent to your client all at once. This new feature functions like a landing page for your schedulers. You are in control with how you group them!
These groups can be made via a navigation tab on the Templates>>Schedulers page.
When making a group, you will have the ability to select any of your existing Appointment Scheduler Templates and add them to the group. After the Schedulers are selected, you can add an email that will contain a link to that scheduler page. This email is for this specific group and will not affect the schedulers that are added if you'd like to use a different email to send individually. A smart field, schedulerGroup | schedulerGroupLink for scheduler groups has been added so that a template can be created.
Once you click CREATE on your scheduler group, it will be added to that group page. That group preview will consist of a dropdown of the included schedulers, a settings button to edit, copy, or delete the group, and the Share button that will allow users a copy the direct link or get the iframe code to embed that scheduler group.
You can also create scheduler groups on the "Appointment Scheduler" tab. Use bulk actions to select a group of schedulers to quickly add them to a group.
Like individual Appointment Schedulers, Scheduler Groups can be sent out through a project manually, via a workflow, or using the public link/embedded page for templates. When sent through a project, a new copy of that group and all of the included schedulers will be added to that project rather than using the template. Groups can be added to the project via the Schedule Appointment drop down. A new section on the Pending Appointment page of a project has been added to distinguish individual schedulers and scheduler groups sent in that project. The added schedulers will also appear in card view on this page. When you click on the dropdown of attached schedulers within this card, you will have the option to edit any of the individual schedulers added to that group. To edit the group as a whole, you can press the Gear Icon at the bottom right of the card. These cards have sent flags to show when the appointment has been viewed, sent, etc. When a client books an appointment using the group, the Appointment under the confirmed tab will be from that individual scheduler not the group.
Additionally, Scheduler Groups that have been added to a project can be sent using the Add a link button on the email composer within a project. They have a blue flag with the Sched. Group tag to distinguish it from the other documents on the project. More about adding multiple form/document links to an email here.
In Workflows, the Send Appointment Scheduler option has been updated to allow groups to be sent as well. To send a group, select the Send Appointment Scheduler action and the new segmented dropdown will list the individual appointment schedulers as well as the scheduler group templates. Selecting a group will automatically load in the Send Scheduler Group canned email template, but you can select another canned email in its place.
A new workflow trigger action has been added to have actions fire off when an appointment is made off of a scheduler in that group. This will fire that action when ANY of the schedulers in the group are used (as opposed to individual actions looking for a certain scheduler to be used). If any actions are watching for an appointment and that appointment is cancelled. The workflow will pause and show an error out informing the user of that the appointment was cancelled.
For clients, making an appointment via a Scheduler Group is largely the same as making an appointment with an individual scheduler. The only difference is that the client will be taken to a landing page that has cards of all the attached Appointment schedulers. These cards will display the name of the Scheduler, the length of the appointment, and the event location. Clicking on a card will take you to that scheduler which can be filled out normally. When a scheduler is accessed via the Scheduler Group page, a "Back" button will appear in the top left corner to take you back to the Group page.
Once an appointment is made, all of the details stored on that scheduler (Confirmation messages, reminder emails, etc.) will be that of the individual appointment scheduler, not the group.
In the client portal, Scheduler Groups will appear under the "Appointment Scheduler" section within the projects tab. They have a different icon to distinguish the Group from individual schedulers sent in the project.