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New feature

Workflow Overview Chart

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: April 15th, 2018

To say we are excited for this is an understatement. WE ARE THRILLED to launch workflow overview today. Workflow overview allows you to see your workflows at a glance. For example, this is my branding workflow.

To get to the overview view, click into TEMPLATES >> WORKFLOW and click VIEW to view that workflow overview:

OR you can go into a job or lead and under WORKFLOW there, you can view all jobs/leads on that workflow:

Once clicked, it will pull up with the overview.

I can easily see at a glance ALL my jobs on that workflow. What is nice about this feature is the ability to see at a glance what is paused / active, what has been completed, in progress, or what actions might have failed to run.

From this view you can check off to do actions:

You can also hover over the actions to get more info about them and click incomplete actions to force them or do more actions:

We have optimized it for LARGE workflows as well. As an example, I shrunk my screen to show you. With long workflows both horizontally and vertically, you will always know what you are looking at since the X and Y axis are always in view.


This feature is ONLY available on workflows applied from the last week of March and on. Any workflow applied before that will not show in the overview. A work around for that would be to reapply the workflow and mark completed the actions that have already been completed.