Originally posted: January 28th, 2018
We have made a couple updates to the task board section of Dubsado.
1. Filtering the VIEW of boards in TASKS >> BOARDS.
2. When uploading an IMAGE in a task, you can now see the preview!
Originally posted: January 22nd, 2018
In a workflow, in the creation of a todo, you can now auto-assign users / teams to that task. By doing that, come time in the workflow to trigger that todo, it will send an email alert and show up on the user's to do list!
**this will not send the reminder to you, but only to the user you assigned it to.
If you don't need to auto-assign users, you can leave that area blank.
Originally posted: January 17th, 2018
We are excited to now have an affiliate dashboard where you can create and check in on how many credits you have. To find it, click your logo or business name at the top right and the AFFILIATE.
If you do not have a code yet, you can make your code on the new affiliate page. Our affiliate program is pretty sweet. For everyday paid subscription that signs up with your code, THEY get 20% off their first month or year and YOU get a month's worth of credits (currently $25). If it is not allowing you to input the code, it is already taken. Your code can be changed, but if you do, your old one cannot be redeemed.
If you are not on a paid plan, the credits will apply when you subscribe to Dubsado.
If you are on a Forever Plan, at $100 you can request to redeem your credits. Once you do, a check will be mailed to you. Forever plans and users who do not have a subscription are the only accounts that can redeem credits in check form. Otherwise, users with Dubsado plans, it will apply to your account as account credits.
Again, this buy out sending check option is only for forever plans and users who do not have a subscription are the only accounts that can redeem credits in check form. All other users with plans, will receive Dubsado credits.
Originally posted: January 8th, 2018
A few updates coming at you today!
1. Navigate to most recent email when clicking into an email stream. Before, on mobile especially, it was difficult if you had a long email thread to scroll through past replies to get to the new one. Now going to the email in Dubsado, in inbox or within the job or lead, it will scroll automatically directly to that newest reply.
2. If a recurring invoice has been selected to auto pay it will now show on the overall invoices tab within that job or lead.
3. In conversation mode, you now have the option to reply to all the original users you emailed in first email.
or you can uncheck it and keep it between just you and the main contact on the job.
Originally posted: January 7th, 2018
Other update coming at you today! We have added the ability to export the ENTIRE client or lead list instead of a page at a time!
To find the export, head to LEADS and at the top right EXPORT. OR ADDRESS BOOK and top right EXPORT.
Originally posted: January 7th, 2018
Updated some things in the client portal.
- Added the option to hide the welcome message
- Added the option to hide the logo
- Added the option to upload a mobile banner image so it is formatted how you'd like (proportions 700 x 200)
- Moved the portal options to its own tab in CURRENT BRAND SETTINGS
Originally posted: January 3rd, 2018
Been excited for this update! You can now make your task boards public. This allows you to share the boards with clients in the portal or with your admins and users on your account.
Only boards that are assigned to jobs or leads can be shared. To do it is simple! Once the board is added to that job or lead, click the little downward arrow and then EDIT PRIVACY SETTINGS. By default these boards are private and only YOU and your assigned teammates on the job.
When you edit the privacy settings, two options come up.
ADMIN & ASSIGNED USERS - The default. This is a private board that only you and your assigned teammates can view.
CLIENT PORTAL - This is a shared board with your clients. They will be able to see it in the portal. This will allow them to follow along with you and what you complete. Switching the task board to this setting will also allow them to edit and create tasks as well. Toggling settings for them is not a feature at this time. Great for collab-ing with your clients! Clients will not get an email when you assign them to a board.
When you have the CLIENT PORTAL selected, the client does not get an alert. If they would like to view the board, they can login to the client portal and under DOCUMENTS of that job, the board will be there. Just send them their portal info!
You can view the status of a board under the job or lead so you always know what state a board is in.
Client Portals MUST be used to share boards with clients.
Hope you enjoy this update!
Originally posted: December 12th, 2017
You can now auto assign users and teams in the SETTINGS of a lead capture form. When a client fills out your lead capture form, if you have a team member or team set to auto assign, when that lead comes in, it will add to your admin account and auto-assign it to that user/team. Cuts out a lot of work for you!
When using conversation mode, before it took about 15 mins for the email reply to be logged after the client emailed back. We have now improved those speeds to about under a minute! :)
Originally posted: December 5th, 2017
We have just released the update where you can add an IMAGE banner to your client portals instead of just a color. First things first, the size for the image is of the proportions 1800 x 200.
You can set a general portal banner image for all portals OR you can override that and create banner images that are client specific.
To upload your general portal banner image, head to CURRENT BRAND SETTINGS and in BRANDING you can upload your portal banner image here:
Once uploaded, it looks like this:
Now, if you did not want a general one and want client specific ones, you can override that and head to the ADDRESS BOOK on the client's profile and upload their image:
Remember, client portals are CLIENT specific so if you have multiple jobs for the client, there is only one client portal / banner image for them :) This is why the click specific banners are set in the address book. You cannot set client specific banners within a job...it can only be done in the address book.
We have made it so that the banner images fit screens of all size and will resize to fit it!
Originally posted: November 10th, 2017
We have added the variable for to pull the invoice title! :)