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New feature

Affiliate Dashboard

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: January 17th, 2018

We are excited to now have an affiliate dashboard where you can create and check in on how many credits you have. To find it, click your logo or business name at the top right and the AFFILIATE.

If you do not have a code yet, you can make your code on the new affiliate page. Our affiliate program is pretty sweet. For everyday paid subscription that signs up with your code, THEY get 20% off their first month or year and YOU get a month's worth of credits (currently $25). If it is not allowing you to input the code, it is already taken. Your code can be changed, but if you do, your old one cannot be redeemed.

If you are not on a paid plan, the credits will apply when you subscribe to Dubsado.

If you are on a Forever Plan, at $100 you can request to redeem your credits. Once you do, a check will be mailed to you. Forever plans and users who do not have a subscription are the only accounts that can redeem credits in check form. Otherwise, users with Dubsado plans, it will apply to your account as account credits.

Again, this buy out sending check option is only for forever plans and users who do not have a subscription are the only accounts that can redeem credits in check form. All other users with plans, will receive Dubsado credits.