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Workflow Update Part 3 - Creating Invoices in Workflow

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: February 11th, 2018

Continuing on with our workflow updates from last week. We have just added the ability to CREATE an invoice within a workflow. Before, you were only able to send an invoice via workflow once you have created the invoice in the job. But lots of users wanted the ability to create and invoice and send with the workflow without doing ANY work. This is perfect for those people who need to send an invoice ASAP right after a lead capture form is filled out and many other things...

We have created a new workflow action called "CREATE INVOICE"

You can add line items manually or select from packages. You are also given the ability to apply a template payment schedule to it.

Send Email with Invoice option

By leaving this unchecked, it DOES NOT send an email to your clients. It only creates the invoice and adds it to the job or lead. By checking that box, you are prompted with the email to send with the invoice and checked it will send an email to your clients.

Sending the Primary Invoice

Now if the old way of sending invoices via workflow worked for you, we still have that option on there if you need it.