Latest updates from the Dubsado team
New feature

Zapier Integration

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: June 29th, 2017

Zapier is a POWERFUL tool. The things it can do and the programs it can connect is quite amazing. This is why we are super happy to begin our Zapier journey. As of today, we have released two triggers that Zapier can work with.


Those are the first two points we have made our system connect with to Zapier! These are the two of the biggest things as well which is why we wanted to start with them first. Yes, of course we will be adding more endpoints for it to connect to, but baby steps, ya'll. ;)

To start ACCEPT our invite: CLICK HERE

Then, grab the API KEY in your Dubsado and enter that into Zapier.

Head to Zapier, and start your first Zap with Dubsado. Pick either new payment or new lead trigger.

Next, connect your account.

Once you click CONNECT AN ACCOUNT, it will prompt a pop-up to enter in the API key you had above! And click Yes, continue!

Now you can start creating your Zap.. Click SAVE and CONTINUE.

If you are creating a lead, you will have to create a fresh new lead just to test and pull info!
You will be prompted with an alert if needed.

If your test is successful, you can continue.

NOW you can add the action that takes place! This is the fun part. On this page you can search their hundreds of apps to connect with on the next action.

A HINT at some fun things you can do:

- Someone fills out your lead capture, send a text.
- Someone makes a payment, send an email to your husband that you are bringing home the bacon.
- Someone fills out your lead capture, add them to a Mailchimp list.

Delayed Email Sending

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: June 26th, 2017

Hey you night owls! This is a perfect update for you. You now have ALL the freedom to work as late as you'd like without clients questioning the hour you are sending these emails at... Because now you can set those emails to send...but just later.

You have 3 immediate options.

Later: which is 3 hours from that moment you click it.
9am: which is at well...9am. It will let you know about how many hours it is from now as well.
Next Week: which is 7 days from that moment you send. Say at 6pm you set it to send 7 days from will send in 7 days at 6pm.

These are not the only options you have. If you want to schedule it to be a more specific time to your needs at that time, click one of those options. Then head to workflows in that job or lead you are in and edit that time to your liking!

Hope you enjoy this update!


More Mapped Fields Added to Lead Capture

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: June 25th, 2017

We added a few more mapped fields to the lead capture page regarding JOB ADDRESS info. Of course, we have more coming, especially with custom mapped fields planned for future updates!


Multiple Workflows

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: June 23rd, 2017

New in Dubsado! You can now add more than 1 workflow in a job or lead. Woohoo!

From the dropdown, pick the workflow you would like and then click APPLY.

When you add multiple workflows, keep in mind these workflows do not work off each other. Meaning if you have a form in one workflow, you cannot watch that form in another workflow. They function independently, but will be able to run at the same time!

New feature

Multi-User Functionality

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: June 21st, 2017

We have been building multi-user for months now. We had an original release date set, but soon realized we wanted to beef up the features quite a bit more. So we aimed it up and today we are starting the roll out of multi-user launches. It will be available on select accounts starting now and over the next few weeks.

What is multi-user? Multi-User is the ability to allow other users to access either all or certain parts of your Dubsado account.

What cool features does it have?
- 3 preset account role based permissions (The Admin, The VA, and The Accountant)


These users ONLY have access to the jobs that you assign them to. (After your user has accepted the invitation, head to a job to assign them to it)

Additionally, with basic accounts, you can toggle them being able to see the invoices and contracts.


These users only have access to the BOOKKEEPING section of Dubsado. Nothing else will show on their account.


An admin on an account has all the same permissions as you do. This is perfect for assistants or VA's.

How much multi-user cost? Multi-user is an additional fee to your account's membership. For all plans, up to 3 additional users are free.
4 - 10 users: additional $25/month
11 - 20 users: additional $45/month
21 - 30 users: additional $60/month
**if you are on a forever plan membership, you receive 30% off all additional user fees.**

New feature

PayPal Integration

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: June 15th, 2017

Cue all the confetti! PayPal integration has arrived to Dubsado.

To connect PayPal as a method for your clients head to SETTINGS >> BRAND SETTINGS >> RECEIVE MONEY. There you can enter in your PayPal email (twice so we know you have the correct email) and that is all that is to it. PayPal released this new handy, super sleek way to making connecting easier than ever.

With PayPal integration, your clients have the option to pay your invoices through PayPal via credit card or PayPal account balance. Also, we have allowed PayPal connection to be used in addition to Stripe or Square connections. So if you want to give your clients the option to pay via (example) ACH / Stripe and PayPal, then you can have both connected.

The cool thing as well, if you JUST want to have PayPal connected in Dubsado is clients can pay you via regular credit card as well, but the funds get deposited into your account.

We hope this makes all your PayPal dreams come true.


We do want to make you aware, however, PayPal, for service based businesses, is not recommended in our professional opinion. Since there is no tangible proof you have delivered your service to your clients, it makes it VERY easy for your clients to file a dispute and get their money back. But if you have been using PayPal for a while and are comfortable with it, we are happy that we can provide this for you!


Proposal Quantities

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: May 30th, 2017

Proposals now have the option for your clients to choose the quantities they would like.

To add a quantity option to your proposal template, head to TEMPLATES >> FORMS and edit the proposal you would like. Now in each of the package elements you have the ability to set hard minimum and maximum quantities. Set that how you'd like (it will default 0 - 1000 if not changed). Then you can use the PACKAGE variable drop down to add the quantity box for clients to input that.

I also like the look of side by side! :)

You do not need to have that quantity box in there. If it is not there, it will just default to 1. If you want to allow your clients to choose the amount of items, then do the quantity box.


All they need to do is select the package they want and then edit the quantity if they want more. By selecting, it will default to 1 or whatever minimum quantity that you have set!


Calendar Marked As "Busy" or "Available"

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: May 30th, 2017

You now have the ability, when in a job/lead and editing the date, to change that date to "available" or "busy" on your synced calendar. This is for the users in Dubsado who have synced calendars in our system.

When using systems like Acuity or Calendly (for example) and you have an event on your synced calendar as busy, it would not allow clients to book with you that day, BUT some events are not needed for you to be busy, so we added the option for you to mark it as available with Dubsado! :)

New feature

New Template Library

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: May 25th, 2017

45+ FREE Templates Ready to Use!

A collection of usable resources built by users, for users.

We have handcrafted and culled some practical and customizable forms to use for inspiration, tweaking, or use as is!

With a click of a button, you easily add in industry-specific contracts, questionnaires, and proposals. Whether you are just getting a start in business or an experienced professional, you can take advantage of this power resource.

This is just another way that we are working hard to make sure that your business is running efficiently!


New Date Picker

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: May 22nd, 2017

We have a new date picker in Dubsado! This is exciting for us. Our old one was not my fav ;) This one makes it easy for you to pick a date and select a time quickly.

Also, a new feature is the ability to create an all day event (no time event) so that you don't have to pick a time.

Lastly, when entering in an expense, no need to pick a time any more!