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New feature

Time Tracker (beta)

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: July 6th, 2017

Time Tracker (beta) is now released! Yipee! For those that have wanted a time tracker for a bit now, we are so happy this feature has arrived for you.

With Time Tracker you can keep track of your time on projects and charge for it too. We have made it super easy to start tracking your time. In only a few clicks you can be up and working in no time.

- Pick jobs or leads and start tracking time
- You can have these hours be billable or just for record
- You can navigate away from the page and it will still continue
- You can close the window and it will still continue

To start, click the new Time Tracker icon on your main menu.

It will then take you to the page where all your time trackings will be recorded.

To Start Recording:

STEP 1: Start typing in what you are working on. This title will show as the line item title on the invoice.
STEP 2: Pick a job or lead (you must already have an existing job or lead created) and an invoice if you'd like OR create a new invoice option.
STEP 3: Pick a price point, taxes, etc... By entering in a description (like below) it will add sync to the description of the invoice. If you are not billing for these hours, put $0 or do not fill out.

STEP 4: Click Go! Time will start as soon as you do that. You can navigate away from that page or even X out of the Dubsado window. It will only STOP when you click the stop icon here in the time tracker page!

When it is recording, there will be a little red pulse that will let you know, as you navigate away, that time is still going!

After Time is Stopped:

After the time is stopped it will filter to the cue you to apply it to invoice or keep in there to keep working on it later.

Start an Existing Time Back Up:

If you stopped a time just to pause it and you want to come back at a later time to continue, you can click the PLAY button on that line item

When it is Completed:

When you are done tracking time for that project, you can click APPLY TO INVOICE on the time tracker page to send it to the invoice

OR if you head to the job or lead and click the pending time to add.

After you do that, you can keep that invoice to send at a later time or send off right away!

Any questions, shoot us an email!