Latest updates from the Dubsado team
New feature

Form File Uploader

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: September 11th, 2017

File uploader is here and super easy to use! Now in Questionnaires, Proposals, and Lead Capture forms your clients can upload files! Drag and drop that FILE UPLOADER element into your form and it allows them to upload away.

If you click on that uploader in edit mode it will pop up with options. If you only want you clients to be able to upload one item or images only, you can toggle that here:

Once in your form, your clients have the option to upload as many files as they want. Limit per file is 8mb.


Better Way to Connect to Gmail Conversation Mode

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: September 11th, 2017

We added a new more SIMPLE way to connect to gmail/gsuite for conversation mode. Before for gmail you had to add a forwarding address and grab a verification code, etc...Now all you need to do is login to your gmail through our connection api and you are set...ALL DONE!

If you were previously connected to gmail with conversation mode, you will need to reconnect with this new way, but no worries since it is super easy.

For users that are not gmail or gsuite hosted, you will just be the same as before in using the forwarding address :)


Template Task Boards

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: August 29th, 2017

Woo! Now with the task boards, you can create templates to apply to other jobs.

Create your board in TASKS >> BOARDS. Keep it unassigned to a job. Now head over into any job or lead and apply to as many jobs or leads as you would like.

You can also copy a board you created in a job to the general task page!


Easy to Grab URL link for lead captures

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: August 27th, 2017

We know you all have wanted an easier way to grab the URL from your lead capture form, so we just made that easier! We also added links to some help articles for easy embedding!

New feature

Task Boards

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: August 24th, 2017

Today we have launched Task Boards. Task Boards are an easy way for you to manage large projects on a more organized scale with separate lists and boards.

You can use these boards in the TASK menu section of Dubsado OR you can apply them to jobs or leads and work off them there.

We will be allowing with the Client Portal 2.0 coming soon, the ability for you to SHARE lists with our client and be able to both complete the list or show you client progress.

To create a board head to TASKS on the menu or within a job or lead, then create a board!

Once you add the board, name it and apply it to a job if you want it to show there.

Start creating your columns and tasks as you please!

Adding the items is just by clicking the + and typing in and pressing ENTER. EASY! To add more elements to the task, click on it after adding it! :)

By clicking on the task, you can add file uploads, assign to users, comments, etc...

You can also do the EXACT same things in jobs and leads!

I will be creating extensive help articles and how to's on this in the coming days! :)

New feature

Recurring Payments/Invoices

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: August 24th, 2017

We are live with recurring payments/invoices.

Keep in mind, you cannot create these recurring payment features in proposal yet. This can currently be done in jobs or leads. Once we know we have worked out any potential bugs, then we will allow your clients to be able to choose recurring from a proposal.

What are recurring payments/invoices?
Sending your clients invoices automatically over a period of time or indefinitely until ended.


Head to a job or a lead and click INVOICES.

Next click RECURRING INVOICES and then ADD to create a new recurring!

It then takes you to the page to screen to set that up.

After that click START RECURRENCE and now it will auto send to your clients.

To set up auto deductions to the invoice...

**You can only use Stripe** to set up the auto deduction or subscription like invoices. You do all the steps described above, but when your client goes to pay it, instruct them to check the auto pay future invoices tab when paying the first payment and they will never have to worry about it again!


New Jobs Page

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: August 17th, 2017

This new jobs page is making way for BIG things coming next week!

1. JOB SETTINGS - This is the new jobs / leads settings tab

2. EDIT CLIENT INFO - To add more info the client profile.


4. JOB LOCATION SETTINGS - Editing the job settings to add location and such.

5. TEAM MEMBER ASSIGNING - Just moved to a new spot, but this is where you assign team members to the job or lead.

6. EMAILS - Emails tab has now moved to be the first tab (since conversation mode will be live early next week) and is separated from forms, YAY!

7. New look for emails as we prep for conversation mode.

New feature

Form Mapping

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: August 13th, 2017

Now lead capture forms are not the only ones that can map fields. Contracts, sub-agreements, and proposals all can map to fields in Dubsado.

Mapping fields will take specific fields we set and input them into the Dubsado dashboard under the job or client information.

Currently, these are the fields you can map:
- Client First Name
- Client Last Name
- Client Email Address
- Client Phone Number
- Alt Contact First Name
- Alt Contact Last Name
- Alt Contact Email Address
- Alt Contact Phone Number
- Company Name
- Address line 1
- Address line 2
- City
- State/ Province
- Country
- Job Address line 1
- Job Address line 2
- Job City
- Job State / Province
- Job Zip / Postal
- Job Country

You will be able to add more when we release custom mapping in the near future.

To map a field, in the edit mode of a form, add a short answer field or date select field and choose your mapping options:

You can only map with short answer and date fields. Free responses, yes or no questions, etc... cannot be mapped.


When you map fields and those fields are already mapped, it will refill in that box for them. They can change it though!

Lastly, if something is already mapped and a client changes that mapped field, it will overwrite what was mapped. So like above, Elizabeth was already in Dubsado, if Elizabeth changes her name to "Biz", "Biz" is what would show in Dubsado.

New feature

Tasks Part 1

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: August 3rd, 2017

Hi there all!

We are excited for this update, not only for what is being released, but more so for what will be released in the next week or coming weeks following this update. We have begun the two step processes on revamping our todo lists. We have now called them task lists.

Now with tasks you can:

- add due dates (which adds to your calendar)
- assigning to jobs
- assigning to a user on your account
- adding files to tasks (which is prepping the way to add files to forms and such)

With the next update, we will be adding our "boards". This will create an asana / trello like interface that you are used to with the power of Dubsado behind it. With the next update (that is happening in the two weeks or so) you can add to a client portal for clients to see, receive email alerts for upcoming due dates, have boards for your tasks, and more. Like we said, this is a little update for what we have coming to this. We just wanted to get this out FIRST so we can ensure an even more successful launch of the rest!


Button Text Change

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: July 20th, 2017

You can now change the text on buttons in QUESTIONNAIRES and LEAD CAPTURE forms to say whatever you'd like them to say!

And this is how it looks! :)