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New feature

Recurring Payments/Invoices

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: August 24th, 2017

We are live with recurring payments/invoices.

Keep in mind, you cannot create these recurring payment features in proposal yet. This can currently be done in jobs or leads. Once we know we have worked out any potential bugs, then we will allow your clients to be able to choose recurring from a proposal.

What are recurring payments/invoices?
Sending your clients invoices automatically over a period of time or indefinitely until ended.


Head to a job or a lead and click INVOICES.

Next click RECURRING INVOICES and then ADD to create a new recurring!

It then takes you to the page to screen to set that up.

After that click START RECURRENCE and now it will auto send to your clients.

To set up auto deductions to the invoice...

**You can only use Stripe** to set up the auto deduction or subscription like invoices. You do all the steps described above, but when your client goes to pay it, instruct them to check the auto pay future invoices tab when paying the first payment and they will never have to worry about it again!