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Bug Fix

Bug Fixes Jan 16, 2023

Charis avatar
Shared by Charis • January 16, 2023

🎉 What’s new

Check out the new autopay enrollment settings! This new feature allows you to require or restrict automatic payments. Get more information here.

Updated tags within a project: Tags in an archived project now display an “Archived” badge next to them to differentiate them from an active tag. You can unarchive previously archived tags. Tags now have a 30 character limit. Basic users are no longer able to delete tags under Projects >> Customize.

đź“Ť Roadmap

Watch for new features and submit feedback on our Roadmap Portal. We’re happy to share the awesome features we have planned! Small disclaimers: Our portal doesn’t cover everything we’re working on, details are subject to change, and features aren’t listed in any specific order.

đź©ą Bug fixes

No more disappearing acts on Safari. When editing forms on Safari, the spacer element disappeared. The spacer element now appears on all browsers.

Chronological payment plan. Previously, fixed dates on payment plans always appeared before other installments. Now, payment plans will automatically list installments by order of date.

Smoothed out drag-and-drop on Firefox. When editing forms on Firefox, the page didn’t scroll down when you dragged elements. This is fixed, so Firefox now works as expected.

No more changing the past. Clients were able to reschedule a past appointment. Now, only future appointments can be rescheduled. If clients try to reschedule a past appointment, a banner error will appear.

Edit tasks from any view. Tasks couldn’t be edited if opened through the client portal. This is fixed, so editing tasks will work as expected.

Restart unfinished workflows. Archiving a project accidentally completed the workflow instead of pausing it. Now, archiving a project will only pause the workflow again. Note that unarchiving a project won’t automatically restart the workflow — reactivate the workflow through the Projects >> Workflows tab.