Latest updates from the Dubsado team

Notification Tab Counter

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted:

The Notification Tab Counter is an additional way to let you know about any notifications within your account.

With the Notification Tab Counter you will see how many notifications you have, even if you are not directly in Dubsado. When a notification is received, the Dubsado web browser tab will update with a counter of all of the unread notifications within the brand.

The "events" that will update this counter will be the same ones that trigger Dashboard Notifications for you in your brand. Updating the any of the Dashboard toggles on the notifications page will also affect this count. In order to clear this count, you can click on the Bell Icon in the upper right corner and click "Mark all as read".


Notification Toggles

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: February 27th, 2020

This is a slow roll out. If you don't have it yet, you should soon.

There's no feeling quite like the joy felt when you get little reminders that your business is running smoothly. Contracts being signed, invoices being paid, and appointments being booked are all some of the little victories worth celebrating! As we continue to add new features to Dubsado, the number of notifications you can receive has also grown. Sometimes you feel that you DON'T need to get an email every time Joleena makes a change to the questionnaire you sent her. That's where this new feature can help: Notification Toggles!

With these new options you will be able to customize what notifications you receive from Dubsado! You get so many emails throughout the day and this is a way to help make sure you can see the notifications for what really matters to you!

The Notifications Settings Page

The notifications page is where you can customize what notifications you receive. The main section of this page is a list of all of the different times you will receive. For each notification, you will have the option to toggle whether or not you receive that notification in-app and via email.

This new page can be accessed via the new Notifications section on the Settings page. These settings are unique in that and edits made on this page are USER specific per brand, meaning that changes you make in your account WILL NOT affect any of your Multi-Users. The same is true for your Multi-Users, their selections will not affect you or any other additional user. The "per brand" aspect means that the settings here will also only take place in the brand to which you save them. If you are have multiple brands in your Dubsado account, the notifications settings will have to be set for each one. You can have different settings for any brand.

Email Addresses

As part of the feature, we have added an additional email field: the Notification Email. This is the email where your selected notification emails will be sent. Previously the Brand Email, which can be set in the Branding Section on the Settings page, doubled as the email where notifications were sent. With the additional option of having your Multi-Users receive their own notifications, a new email address will now be collected.

In order to keep current functionality, any existing Dubsado account will have this Notification Email automatically populated with the existing Branding Email so that notifications continue to be sent to your chosen email address. This will only take place for the Owner of the account. Any additional user, Admin or Basic User will have their Login Email populate as the Notifications Email. These users will not receive email notifications until they enable the Emails further down the page.

Any Dubsado user created after Feb 28, 2020 will automatically have the Login Email default as this Notification Email.

To recap there are three distinct email fields used for various purposes:

  • Login Email - the email address used to login. This can be edited on the Login Settings page.
  • Brand Contact Email - this is the email that will populate on your Dubsado pages such as the client portal, your invoices, and anywhere you use the Brand Email smart field. If a user connects a Stripe account to Dubsado, this email address is used to pre-fill that user's information. This email address can be edited Branding section of the Settings page.
  • Notifications Email - Email address where Notifications are sent. This can be edited on the Notifications Settings page.

Moving to the main purpose of this page! The main section of this page will be the list of the different notifications where you can set your notification preferences! The list is broken down into different sections based on different features in Dubsado that could trigger a notification.* Within each section you will see all of the different events when a notification could be sent. This toggles on the left of each event allow you to choose whether or not you receive a notification for that event.

  • Dashboard Notifications refer to notifications that you see within Dubsado. You can view these notifications by clicking the Bell Icon in the top right corner of your Dubsado page.
  • Email Notifications are the emails out system will send to inform you that one of the events have triggered.

*The Brand owner and any admins of a brand will see a list of all possible notifications broken down these sections. Basic users of a brand will only see the sections they have access to based on the permissions given to them by the owner/admin of an account. Basic users will not receive any notifications for events to which they do not have permission to view.

Receiving Notifications

After you choose what notifications you wish to receive and press Save, you will start to receive notifications for only the events you have enabled. If no changes are made, you will continue to still receive notifications based on default settings. Depending on what role you have within a brand will determine the different Notification default settings.

Brand Owner
Both Dashboard and Email notifications are enabled for all events.

Admin User
Dashboard notifications are enabled for all events. Email notifications are disabled for all events.

Basic User
Dashboard notifications are enabled for any event that a user's permission permits. Email notifications for those same events are disabled.

When an event triggers a notification, each user within the brand that has a notification for that event enabled will receive that notification. Notifications are no longer shared across the brand allowing for different users to clear out any notification separately from the other users.

In addition to the Permission based restrictions, basic users will also only receive notifications for projects to which they are assigned. If a form is filled out in a project not assigned to a basic user, they will not receive a notification even if the alert for when a form is complete is enabled.

As we continue to add new features to Dubsado, the list of Notifications will continue to grow! We also hope to add new ways for you to be notified in the future! As we add to this list, we will make sure to keep everyone in the loop!


Send Later in Email Replies

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: February 26th, 2020

One of Dubsado's fun, secret feature is the ability to schedule an email to go out a later time. When in a project, you can draft an email and click on the arrow next to the Send button to select when you want the email to actually be sent. We have updated this feature a bit so that you can now also schedule email replies!

*Note that the Send Later option for emails is only available on emails assigned to a project and not available in the address book.

If you know how to schedule out emails within a project, then you already know how to do so for email replies! The option to send later has been added directly into the reply composer itself Next to the Send button you will see an arrow. Clicking this arrow will bring up three preset options for when the email will go out: 3 hours from then, 9AM the next day, or one week later.

Selecting any of these option will create a one-action workflow that will send that email out. If you wish to adjust the time that the email is sent, you can do so by editing that "Delayed Email" workflow within the project.

If, for whatever reason, you wish to delete an email thread that has a scheduled reply, you will still have the option to do so! When you do so, you will see an additional warning to inform you that the email is still scheduled to be sent. Deleting the email thread will NOT stop that reply from being sent. To cancel the reply, you will need to archive that one-action workflow within the project.

New feature

Scheduler Redirect

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: February 25th, 2020

You now have the option to take your client an external page after they book an appointment using a Dubsado Appointment Scheduler. This is especially useful if you have have additional steps for your client after they book an appointment with you. You can redirect your client to a helpful page to give them more information after they book, it can be used to set up conversion tracking for your site, or you can have your clients check out your brand new merch store after they book an appointment 😉

To set up the custom redirect page, head over to the Advanced section of the Scheduler editor. There, you will see a new option labeled "Redirect URL". Enter in the URL of the desired page in that text box, click Save and you are set! When someone books an appointment using that Scheduler, they will be taken to that redirected URL rather than the regular confirmation page.

When someone books an appointment using that Scheduler, they will be taken to that redirected URL rather than the regular confirmation page.

There are some things to note if you do choose to redirect to another page:

  • Clients will only be taken to the page once all steps in the appointment scheduler are completed. They will need to fill out any attached form and pay the required deposit in order to confirm the appointment. Then they will be redirected to your page.
  • Your client will NOT see the the appointment confirmation page. This means that your client will not be able to quickly reschedule, cancel, or add the appointment to their external calendar. They will still be able to perform any of these actions through the Confirmation email that is sent to them.
  • We strongly advise against using this feature to have your Appointment Scheduler redirect to a Dubsado form or any other Dubsado document. The booked appointment would be added to Dubsado separately from any form or project created on the redirect page. If you do wish to attach a Dubsado form, you can use the "Additional Form" section in the Appointment Scheduler settings.


Appointment Reschedule Button Matching Brand Color

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: February 25th, 2020

We've made another update to have everything you send through Dubsado match YOUR branding. We have updated the "Reschedule Appointment" button so now matches your brand color. All other Dubsado buttons appear in that brand color currently. To demonstrate this, we have updated our brand color to a nice shade of fuchsia!

To update this button color, you can head to the the Settings>>Branding and choose your color in the "Color (form/link buttons)" section. Do note that this will change ALL of your Dubsado buttons to this color!

Once it is updated, the "Reschedule Appointment" button that appears in your Appointment Confirmation emails will match that color. This change will also take affect anywhere you use the "Appointment Reschedule Button" smart field!


Turning hyperlinks into Dubsado buttons

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: February 24th, 2020

When adding a link to an email, you now have the option to add it as a general hyperlink or turn it into a button similar to the button that appears on an email when you send a form or invoice in an email. Like those buttons, the color of new hyperlink-button will match the Brand Color you have set up in your Brand Settings.

There are two ways to add in the button to your emails. When drafting a new email, whether it is within a project or when making a canned email template, you will see that the existing "Add link" option has been updated to "Insert Link or Button. The option itself can be found under the Formatting Options in the email composer

Option 1: The first way to add the new button is click Formatting Options>>Insert Link or Button and then enter your URL and the Button Text you wish to show.

Option 2: If you already have text hyperlinked text in an email, you can easily change that to a button by clicking on that link selecting Style and then Button. You can transform the link this way if you want to quickly update all of the links in your email!

Any questions, feel free to shoot us a chat or email,


Updated Brand Settings UI

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: February 12th, 2020

This is a smaller update that is preparing for a new feature coming out soon! User and Brand Settings are combined onto a singular Settings page accessed via the Gear icon at the top of any Dubsado page.

On this new page, the User Settings (Login, Billing, and Affiliate) will appear below the existing Brand settings. The two settings types will be referred to as "Account Settings" and "Brand Settings".

No functionality is changing here, YET. Just making way for a feature we have upcoming up here very soon! :) Cannot wait to share more!


Custom Mapped Fields in Zapier Zaps

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: January 5th, 2020

We added to our Zapier integration last month, with those additions, subsequently, we had to remove the Custom Mapped Field info from Dubsado in your Zaps. I am excited to tell you today that we added Custom Mapped Fields back as an option in your Zaps.

Now you will see options for Custom Mapped Project Fields and Custom Mapped Client Fields.


What is Zapier?

Zapier is an online automation tool that connects your favorite apps, such as Gmail, Slack, Mailchimp, and over 1,500 more. You can connect two or more apps to automate repetitive tasks without coding or relying on developers to build the integration.

With Zapier, users can create automated workflows, called Zaps, to connect Dubsado with other apps that support Zapier. Zaps have two main components, triggers and actions. A trigger is a specific event in an app that starts the Zap. Once you set up a Zap, Zapier will monitor the trigger app for that event and bring in custom data when it occurs. For example, with Dubsado's New Lead trigger, when a new project with a lead status is created in Dubsado, the Zap will start and pull in the client's name, email, and other information that you mapped when setting up the Zap.

The second part of the Zap is the action. An action is an event that takes place in another app once the Zap is triggered. The action can use the data pulled in by the Trigger. Let's say you set up a Zap with Dubsado's New Lead trigger and add Trello's Create Card action. You'll be able to add the client's contact details from Dubsado to the new Trello card... automatically!

View the help article on connecting to Zapier.


Added Zapier Actions and Triggers

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: November 26th, 2019

We are excited to introduce three additional triggers and one action that can be used as part of a Zap.
If you know about all Zapier can do, you can scroll down to the highlighted portion of this release to see our newly added items.

What is Zapier?

Zapier is an online automation tool that connects your favorite apps, such as Gmail, Slack, Mailchimp, and over 1,500 more. You can connect two or more apps to automate repetitive tasks without coding or relying on developers to build the integration.

With Zapier, users can create automated workflows, called Zaps, to connect Dubsado with other apps that support Zapier. Zaps have two main components, triggers and actions. A trigger is a specific event in an app that starts the Zap. Once you set up a Zap, Zapier will monitor the trigger app for that event and bring in custom data when it occurs. For example, with Dubsado's New Lead trigger, when a new project with a lead status is created in Dubsado, the Zap will start and pull in the client's name, email, and other information that you mapped when setting up the Zap.

The second part of the Zap is the action. An action is an event that takes place in another app once the Zap is triggered. The action can use the data pulled in by the Trigger. Let's say you set up a Zap with Dubsado's New Lead trigger and add Trello's Create Card action. You'll be able to add the client's contact details from Dubsado to the new Trello card... automatically!

Below is a list of our Current Triggers and how they work:

Current Zaps

New Lead

This trigger will watch for a new project with a lead status to be created in Dubsado. This project can be created manually from the projects page or automatically when a client fills out a lead capture form or public proposal that is set to create a project that has a lead status.

Here is a list of all the information that will be available to map in your Zap with the New Lead trigger:

  • Created at Date
  • Created Date pretty
  • Project Title
  • Project Start
  • Project Start pretty
  • Project End
  • Project End pretty
  • Project Status Name
  • Client First
  • Client Last
  • Client Name
  • Client Email
  • Client Phone

**The "pretty" version of each date is a formatted version of the date. It will read like this, "Wednesday, November 20 2019 5:00 PM" as opposed to "2019-11-20 17:56:40.566Z"

Here are some ideas for using the New Lead trigger:

New Payment Received

The New Payment Received Trigger will fire off actions when a payment is made to a Dubsado invoice using any of the three payment processors. Manually applied payments will not fire this trigger at this time. The following information can be used by the trigger:

  • Invoice Name
  • Invoice #
  • Invoice Date
  • Invoice Date pretty**
  • Invoice Total
  • Invoice Subtotal
  • Total Discount
  • Tax Amount
  • Tax Name
  • Amount Paid
  • Payment method
  • Date Paid
  • Date Paid pretty**
  • Client First
  • Client Last
  • Client Name
  • Client email
  • Client Phone

    **The "pretty" version of each date is a formatted version of the date. It will read like this, "Wednesday, November 20 2019 5:00 PM" as opposed to "2019-11-20 17:56:40.566Z"

TIP: The Amount Paid property will always come over as cents, so a payment of $350.67 will show up in Zapier as 35067. You may need to add an action with the Formatter by Zapier to convert this amount back to dollars.

Here are some ideas for using the New Payment Received trigger:

New Zaps

And today we released three additional triggers and one action that can be used as part of a Zap.

New Job

This new Trigger functions exactly like the New Lead Trigger listed above. The only difference is that Zaps with this trigger will fire when a project with a JOB STATUS is created. Like the New Lead Trigger, the following information can be mapped as part of the Zap:

  • Created at Date
  • Created Date pretty**
  • Project Title
  • Project Start
  • Project Start pretty**
  • Project End
  • Project End pretty**
  • Project Status Name
  • Client First
  • Client Last
  • Client Name
  • Client Email
  • Client Phone

    **The "pretty" version of each date is a formatted version of the date. It will read like this, "Wednesday, November 20 2019 5:00 PM" as opposed to "2019-11-20 17:56:40.566Z

Here are some ideas for using the New Job trigger:

Contract Signed

This trigger will fire when any contract or sub agreement is signed by a client in Dubsado. To better control when this Zap runs, you may need to add a filter to your Zap.

Here is a list of all the information that will be available to map in your Zap with the Contract Signed trigger:

  • Contract Name
  • Date Signed
  • Date Signed pretty**
  • Project Title
  • Project Start
  • Project Start pretty**
  • Project End
  • Project End pretty**
  • Client First
  • Client Last
  • Client Name
  • Client Email
  • Client Phone

    **The "pretty" version of each date is a formatted version of the date. It will read like this, "Wednesday, November 20 2019 5:00 PM" as opposed to "2019-11-20 17:56:40.566Z"

Updated Project Status

This trigger will watch for the status of a project to change. This trigger does NOT fire when a new project is created and a project status is assigned at the same time (check out the New Lead or New Job triggers above).

This trigger WILL fire any time...

  • A project status is manually changed from within an individual project
  • The status of one or more projects is changed on the Projects page (individually or through the use of bulk actions)
  • A workflow changes the status of a project

Similar to the Contract Signed trigger, you may require a filter in your Zap to limit when the Zap runs.

Here is a list of all the information that will be available to map in your Zap with the Updated Project Status trigger:

  • Current Project Status (the new Project Status)
  • Previous Project Status (the old Project Status)
  • Project Title
  • Project Start
  • Project Start pretty**
  • Project End
  • Project End pretty**
  • Client First
  • Client Last
  • Client Name
  • Client Email
  • Client Phone

    **The "pretty" version of each date is a formatted version of the date. It will read like this, "Wednesday, November 20 2019 5:00 PM" as opposed to "2019-11-20 17:56:40.566Z"

Create Project Action

This action will create a new project in Dubsado based on a trigger from another app!

When creating the Zap you will have the option to map information from other programs into the following Dubsado Fields:

  • Client First Name*
  • Client Last Name*
  • Client Email*
  • Client Phone Number
  • Project Title*
  • Project Start
  • Project End

*Required fields

You will also have the option to automatically assign the following to all projects created from this action:

  • Project Status
  • Project Source
  • Workflow

Any project created from this Zap will be assigned the same Project Status, Project Source, and Workflow. You can create multiple Zaps or use filters and paths to further control what gets assigned.

Here are some ideas for using the Create Project action:

What's Next?


Activity Tracker Update

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: October 28th, 2019

We released our first phase of our Activity Tracker back in June 2019 and today we are launching more items being tracked by it. The goal with activity tracker is to give you more insight to the "history" on your account. With this feature, you will be able to see what a user or workflow does on a project. Especially when working with teams, it gives you a better insight into your account and what actions where taken on a project.


This will make it so any activity within a project is tracked and logged within that project. In addition to the ones we have now the following actions will be tracked.

Updating an invoice (invoice name, date, etc)
Adding notes to an invoice
Adding line items
Deleting lints Items
Updating line items
Creating an invoice
Senting Invoice
Adding a QB tax to an invoice
Applied payment schedule

Applied a workflow
Updating workflow (change the order of actions)
Forcing a workflow action
Removing a workflow action
Approving workflow action
Archived a workflow
Paused workflow
Unpaused workflow

Appointment schedulers:
Create/added scheduler
Remove scheduler
Update scheduler

Where to find Activity Tracker

Head to any project. Click notes and then activity log:

This is not retroactive. It will start tracking items from now on. It only tracks actions taken within a project.

Any questions, feel free to send us a chat or email (


  • We also fixed a bug with the calendar sync not refreshing when updating a project's date / time. Now any updates will automatically sync over to your connected calendars.
  • Fixed the bug where some user's email drafts were not being removed when clicking the trash icon. Now, when clicking the trash icon, they are removed.
  • Fixed the bug where adding packages to a workflow "create invoice" action were not allowing you to save the workflow action. Now, with the fix, the workflow action can be saved and proceed as it should.