Latest updates from the Dubsado team

Your client list, now in your pocket

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • July 24, 2024

The Dubsado mobile app has a new addition… Say hello to clients (aka your "address book" in Dubsado)!

Haven't downloaded the Dubsado mobile app yet? Get it now from the App Store or Google Play Store.

What's new

Client list in the "More" section - all your contacts, one tap away

🔍 Supercharged client search - find anyone, lightning fast

👀 View, edit, and delete client profiles on the go

Add new clients anytime, anywhere

Other cool features you'll love

📞 One-tap calling - no more copy-pasting phone numbers

🗺️ Instant navigation - tap an address and let your maps app do the magic

Coming later

📧 Emails within client profiles - let us know if you'd like to see this added by sending us your feedback here.

📝 Notes for each client (and notes in projects) - let us know if you'd like to see this added by sending us your feedback here.

Check out our product roadmap to see what other exciting features are in the pipeline!

Hope you enjoy this update. Very excited for what is ahead in the mobile app!