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Beta Mobile App Updates - Emails and Push Notifications

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • May 15, 2024

Hi there,

We are excited to announce two new features on the Dubsado mobile app: Emails and Push Notifications. These updates are designed to make your experience with Dubsado even more convenient and efficient while you're on the go.


You can now send and receive emails directly through the project view in the Dubsado mobile app.

Accessing your emails

To access your emails, simply click on the "Projects" button at the bottom of the app, select the desired project.

Note: The "Inbox" tab is not ready for beta just yet. This beta release focused on email communications within the project.

Once in the project click on the new "Emails" tab.

There you'll be able to view your email history with your client for that specific project.

Read receipts

You can easily see if an email has been viewed by your client by that checkmark indicator on the right side of your email message.

Replying and composing a new message

To reply to an email, click on the email and then click "the white space below the client's name to reply (psst. in the mobile app, we are introducing "drafts". You can start composing a message and exit away and when you come back to the app, you can pick up right where you left off. This will also be coming to the web version of Dubsado in the future).

You can also compose a new email by clicking the "Compose" button at the top right.

Push Notifications:

Never miss a beat with real-time alerts for contracts, forms and appointment scheduling. Say goodbye to the constant need to check your emails or log into Dubsado. With push notifications, you'll be the first to know about any important updates, giving you the power to react quickly and keep your business running smoothly. 💪 We got the rest of the push notifications coming with future beta releases (like invoice paid notifications).

Let's dive in and take a look at this update:

Notifications can be found under the "Notifications" tab in the mobile app. The notification icon will show a red dot when you have an unread notification, like below.

Once you click notifications, unread notifications will be displayed, and you can always access your older notifications for reference.

Customizing your notification settings

To customize your notification settings, click the gear icon at the top right of the "Notifications" tab.

Once in the settings area you can choose which events you want to receive push notifications in app for, such as contract signing, scheduling, etc.

Please note that push notifications when you receive new emails are not available through the app. To receive email alerts, make sure to enable notifications through your email app.

Once you have turned on notifications for your desired events, you will receive push notifications on your phone and connected watch (if applicable).

More actions for schedulers and forms

We also added an easy way to send forms and schedulers manually right from the forms tab within a project. By clicking the three dots next to the form or scheduler, you’ll be presented with the new option of sending an email.

We hope you enjoy these new features and find them beneficial for managing your business on the go.

If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out to our chat support.