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Important Update: Changes to Project-Level Payment Override Settings

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • April 16, 2024

As we continue to enhance Dubsado's payment features through our partnership with Stripe, we've introduced Dubsado Payments—a white label solution designed to streamline your payment process directly within Dubsado. This innovation offers a broader range of payment tools and options, ensuring a seamless financial transaction experience for both you and your clients. Read more here about the launch of Dubsado Payments and the suite of new tools it brings to Dubsado.

What's changing?

In our commitment to providing a robust and compliant payment ecosystem, we are adjusting how payment options can be managed on a project-by-project basis. With the upcoming release of our surcharging feature in May, the ability to override payment options at the project level will be discontinued (more info on surcharging below). This change is already in effect for those using Dubsado Payments. However, starting in May, with the launch of surcharging, this discontinuation will be applied to all users, regardless of their payment provider.

Previously, users could customize the payment methods (e.g., credit cards, ACH) available for each project. This functionality was primarily used to manage transaction fees, such as preferring ACH for larger invoices to benefit from lower fees.

Why this change?

Our analysis and user feedback have shown that the main motivation behind the use of payment overrides was to navigate around fees. To address this directly and more effectively, we are introducing a surcharging option. Surcharging automatically applies a fee when your client pays with a credit card to help offset the processing costs. (Once launched, this will be an optional feature. You can choose to have this on or off in your account.) This method not only adheres to compliance standards but also simplifies your financial management—making it a "set it and forget it" feature, as opposed to the manual effort required previously. Surcharging will be exclusively available on Dubsado Payments.

What does this mean for you?

If you're using the project level payment override option now to offset high processing fees, wait to switch to Dubsado Payments until surcharging is launched. If you're not using project level payment override, you can switch to Dubsado Payments whenever you'd like! (Keep in mind, all new features related to payments will only be built out exclusively for Dubsado Payments... and we got some exciting things coming!)

Surcharging as a solution: The launch of surcharging in May is designed to meet your needs more efficiently than the project-level payment override feature. It offers a straightforward way to manage transaction costs transparently and automatically.

Continued customization at the brand level: It's important to note that this change affects only project-level settings. You will still have the flexibility to define your preferred payment options at the brand level, ensuring you can align payment methods with your business strategy.

Transition support: We understand changes like these can be significant. Our team is here to support you through this transition, ensuring you're equipped to make the most of the new surcharging feature and other Dubsado Payments benefits.

Looking forward

This update paves the way for more integrated, efficient, and compliant financial operations within Dubsado. We're excited about the enhancements Dubsado Payments brings to your business and are committed to supporting you every step of the way.

For any questions or additional support, please reach out to our customer care team using the chat bubble or emailing us: