Latest updates from the Dubsado team

Payment Plan Updates

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: September 28th, 2022

You can now make changes to payment plans on your invoices without the worry of reminder emails being unintentionally sent to your clients. With the replacement of autosave with a manual Save button, edits made to your payment plans won’t be applied until you hit Save.

Why we developed it

Our goal is to give business owners more confidence and control when making changes to their payment plans on invoices. Say goodbye to unintentional payment reminder emails being sent off while making changes to your payment plans! By removing autosave and implementing a manual edit and save process, we are ensuring that changes are made with peace of mind and saved with confidence.

In addition to the updates we’re bringing to how changes are saved, we’re making some small UI updates to add clarity and ease of use when viewing and editing your payment plans.

In these release notes

  • Edit and save
  • Save payment plan as a new template
  • UI Improvements

Edit and Save

In order to make changes to a payment plan, you must click Edit on the top right-hand corner of the payment plan.

Once you’ve clicked Edit, you will be able to:

  • Edit installments
  • Add or remove installments
  • Add additional payment plan templates
  • Save your payment plan as a new template
  • Create and edit reminder emails

After making your desired changes, clicking Save will apply all the changes you’ve made to your invoice.

💡 Unlike payment plans on your invoices, your payment plan templates under Templates >> Payment Plans will still autosave when changes are made to them.

Save payment plan as a new template

The option to save your payment plan as a new template has been placed within the Save split button. After naming your new template and selecting Save and apply this template can be found under Templates >> Payment Plans.

💡 Saving your payment plan as a new template will also apply these changes to your invoice.

UI Improvements

Changes have been made to the UI to improve usability and consistency in design patterns.

  • Relative date parameters are now visible next to the due dates for installments that use relative dates.
  • In order to better identify the order of installments, the Due Date column is now furthest to the left while the status column is now furthest to the right.
  • The row for editing Amount Due within an installment is now aligned as a column underneath Amount Due.


Do these changes affect how my clients see or pay their invoices on my current projects?

No. These changes only give you more control over editing your payment plans and does not affect the process for your clients.

What happens if a client makes a payment while I’m editing a payment plan?

If a client makes a payment on an invoice while you are editing its payment plan, the payment will successfully go through, although, you will not be able to save the changes you were making to your payment plan. You will have to refresh your page and redo your changes. Clicking Save will prompt an error that says “New client payment: Please refresh page”.