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Container Text Color Settings

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: September 12th, 2022

New Form Builder Setting: Container Text Color

We heard that you love setting background colors on our new container element, and we wanted to make it easier for you to quickly set a font color for all the text in the container as well! The new text color setting on containers will help you do just that.

Just click on a container to edit its settings. You'll find the text color setting right below the background color!

This is a shortcut for quickly setting one color for all of the text inside of a container, including question text.

<a href="/>

The text color setting will apply to any nested containers as well. We designed this feature to make it easy for you to move elements between containers with different background colors. If you have a container text color set, any new elements you add with text to the container will adopt that color.

This is the first of many great customization features to come. Let us know what you think!


Can I still set custom text colors inside the text box element?

Yes! You can still select custom text colors inside text box elements using the formatting toolbar if you’d like.

Setting a container text color will permanently override any color changes you made in the text box element.

Why don’t I have access to this setting?

All form builder features and updates going forward will only be available in our new form builder experience. If you are using the new form builder, but still can’t access this setting, go to the Form Settings panel (gear icon), scroll to the bottom, and ensure Legacy mode is turned OFF.