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New feature

Scheduler Redirect

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: February 25th, 2020

You now have the option to take your client an external page after they book an appointment using a Dubsado Appointment Scheduler. This is especially useful if you have have additional steps for your client after they book an appointment with you. You can redirect your client to a helpful page to give them more information after they book, it can be used to set up conversion tracking for your site, or you can have your clients check out your brand new merch store after they book an appointment 😉

To set up the custom redirect page, head over to the Advanced section of the Scheduler editor. There, you will see a new option labeled "Redirect URL". Enter in the URL of the desired page in that text box, click Save and you are set! When someone books an appointment using that Scheduler, they will be taken to that redirected URL rather than the regular confirmation page.

When someone books an appointment using that Scheduler, they will be taken to that redirected URL rather than the regular confirmation page.

There are some things to note if you do choose to redirect to another page:

  • Clients will only be taken to the page once all steps in the appointment scheduler are completed. They will need to fill out any attached form and pay the required deposit in order to confirm the appointment. Then they will be redirected to your page.
  • Your client will NOT see the the appointment confirmation page. This means that your client will not be able to quickly reschedule, cancel, or add the appointment to their external calendar. They will still be able to perform any of these actions through the Confirmation email that is sent to them.
  • We strongly advise against using this feature to have your Appointment Scheduler redirect to a Dubsado form or any other Dubsado document. The booked appointment would be added to Dubsado separately from any form or project created on the redirect page. If you do wish to attach a Dubsado form, you can use the "Additional Form" section in the Appointment Scheduler settings.