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Added Zapier Actions and Triggers

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: November 26th, 2019

We are excited to introduce three additional triggers and one action that can be used as part of a Zap.
If you know about all Zapier can do, you can scroll down to the highlighted portion of this release to see our newly added items.

What is Zapier?

Zapier is an online automation tool that connects your favorite apps, such as Gmail, Slack, Mailchimp, and over 1,500 more. You can connect two or more apps to automate repetitive tasks without coding or relying on developers to build the integration.

With Zapier, users can create automated workflows, called Zaps, to connect Dubsado with other apps that support Zapier. Zaps have two main components, triggers and actions. A trigger is a specific event in an app that starts the Zap. Once you set up a Zap, Zapier will monitor the trigger app for that event and bring in custom data when it occurs. For example, with Dubsado's New Lead trigger, when a new project with a lead status is created in Dubsado, the Zap will start and pull in the client's name, email, and other information that you mapped when setting up the Zap.

The second part of the Zap is the action. An action is an event that takes place in another app once the Zap is triggered. The action can use the data pulled in by the Trigger. Let's say you set up a Zap with Dubsado's New Lead trigger and add Trello's Create Card action. You'll be able to add the client's contact details from Dubsado to the new Trello card... automatically!

Below is a list of our Current Triggers and how they work:

Current Zaps

New Lead

This trigger will watch for a new project with a lead status to be created in Dubsado. This project can be created manually from the projects page or automatically when a client fills out a lead capture form or public proposal that is set to create a project that has a lead status.

Here is a list of all the information that will be available to map in your Zap with the New Lead trigger:

  • Created at Date
  • Created Date pretty
  • Project Title
  • Project Start
  • Project Start pretty
  • Project End
  • Project End pretty
  • Project Status Name
  • Client First
  • Client Last
  • Client Name
  • Client Email
  • Client Phone

**The "pretty" version of each date is a formatted version of the date. It will read like this, "Wednesday, November 20 2019 5:00 PM" as opposed to "2019-11-20 17:56:40.566Z"

Here are some ideas for using the New Lead trigger:

New Payment Received

The New Payment Received Trigger will fire off actions when a payment is made to a Dubsado invoice using any of the three payment processors. Manually applied payments will not fire this trigger at this time. The following information can be used by the trigger:

  • Invoice Name
  • Invoice #
  • Invoice Date
  • Invoice Date pretty**
  • Invoice Total
  • Invoice Subtotal
  • Total Discount
  • Tax Amount
  • Tax Name
  • Amount Paid
  • Payment method
  • Date Paid
  • Date Paid pretty**
  • Client First
  • Client Last
  • Client Name
  • Client email
  • Client Phone

    **The "pretty" version of each date is a formatted version of the date. It will read like this, "Wednesday, November 20 2019 5:00 PM" as opposed to "2019-11-20 17:56:40.566Z"

TIP: The Amount Paid property will always come over as cents, so a payment of $350.67 will show up in Zapier as 35067. You may need to add an action with the Formatter by Zapier to convert this amount back to dollars.

Here are some ideas for using the New Payment Received trigger:

New Zaps

And today we released three additional triggers and one action that can be used as part of a Zap.

New Job

This new Trigger functions exactly like the New Lead Trigger listed above. The only difference is that Zaps with this trigger will fire when a project with a JOB STATUS is created. Like the New Lead Trigger, the following information can be mapped as part of the Zap:

  • Created at Date
  • Created Date pretty**
  • Project Title
  • Project Start
  • Project Start pretty**
  • Project End
  • Project End pretty**
  • Project Status Name
  • Client First
  • Client Last
  • Client Name
  • Client Email
  • Client Phone

    **The "pretty" version of each date is a formatted version of the date. It will read like this, "Wednesday, November 20 2019 5:00 PM" as opposed to "2019-11-20 17:56:40.566Z

Here are some ideas for using the New Job trigger:

Contract Signed

This trigger will fire when any contract or sub agreement is signed by a client in Dubsado. To better control when this Zap runs, you may need to add a filter to your Zap.

Here is a list of all the information that will be available to map in your Zap with the Contract Signed trigger:

  • Contract Name
  • Date Signed
  • Date Signed pretty**
  • Project Title
  • Project Start
  • Project Start pretty**
  • Project End
  • Project End pretty**
  • Client First
  • Client Last
  • Client Name
  • Client Email
  • Client Phone

    **The "pretty" version of each date is a formatted version of the date. It will read like this, "Wednesday, November 20 2019 5:00 PM" as opposed to "2019-11-20 17:56:40.566Z"

Updated Project Status

This trigger will watch for the status of a project to change. This trigger does NOT fire when a new project is created and a project status is assigned at the same time (check out the New Lead or New Job triggers above).

This trigger WILL fire any time...

  • A project status is manually changed from within an individual project
  • The status of one or more projects is changed on the Projects page (individually or through the use of bulk actions)
  • A workflow changes the status of a project

Similar to the Contract Signed trigger, you may require a filter in your Zap to limit when the Zap runs.

Here is a list of all the information that will be available to map in your Zap with the Updated Project Status trigger:

  • Current Project Status (the new Project Status)
  • Previous Project Status (the old Project Status)
  • Project Title
  • Project Start
  • Project Start pretty**
  • Project End
  • Project End pretty**
  • Client First
  • Client Last
  • Client Name
  • Client Email
  • Client Phone

    **The "pretty" version of each date is a formatted version of the date. It will read like this, "Wednesday, November 20 2019 5:00 PM" as opposed to "2019-11-20 17:56:40.566Z"

Create Project Action

This action will create a new project in Dubsado based on a trigger from another app!

When creating the Zap you will have the option to map information from other programs into the following Dubsado Fields:

  • Client First Name*
  • Client Last Name*
  • Client Email*
  • Client Phone Number
  • Project Title*
  • Project Start
  • Project End

*Required fields

You will also have the option to automatically assign the following to all projects created from this action:

  • Project Status
  • Project Source
  • Workflow

Any project created from this Zap will be assigned the same Project Status, Project Source, and Workflow. You can create multiple Zaps or use filters and paths to further control what gets assigned.

Here are some ideas for using the Create Project action:

What's Next?