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Relative Expiration Dates on Forms

Becca avatar
Shared by Becca • October 14, 2022

Originally posted: March 1st, 2019

Ending with a big one! Birthday Feature Day 5: Relative Expiration Dates on Forms

Now all forms, except lead capture forms, can have an expiration date set with the ability to add reminders to send to clients. Once a form is expired, the client cannot fill out the form anymore and it is locked until unexpired. Takes but just a few seconds to set up.

Head to the template you wish to set an expiration date on, then click SETTINGS.

Set the expiration date to be relative, fixed or none if you don't want it to expire.

Breakdown of the relative times
Relative dates can go off of X amount of hours, weeks, days or months
- after job start = this work off the start date of the project (ex: say you want the form to be due 2 days after the jobs start date)
- before job start = this works off the start date of the project (ex: say you want the form to be due 1 day before the job starts)
- after job end = this works off the end date of the project (ex: say you want the form to be due 1 day after the project ends)
- before job end = this works off the end date of the project (ex: say you want the form to be due 1 day before the project end date)
- after applied to job = right when the form is applied to the job (ex: form is due 2 days after you apply it to the project)

What's next?
Once you set the due date, you have the option to add reminders to that form. These reminders work off one email template that you can customize in TEMPLATES >> CANNED EMAILS >> EDIT TEMPLATES. It is titled "Form Reminder Email".

Once you apply that form to the project it will work off whatever due date that you have set. The reminders will fire off automatically, and once they have sent, they will show in the email history of that project.