Originally posted: October 15th, 2017
We are excited for this 2.0 release of the portal. Our old one served us well, but we wanted to give a little face lift to make way for all the amazing things we will have coming to it with other future releases.
In this new portal, you can customize the colors of the headers and title font colors. We have organized it a little better so your clients can see all pending / outstanding items on the home screen of the portal as well as the count of incomplete items.
In the documents page of the portal they can see all docs on that job, complete and incomplete, as well as filter through the jobs they are on.
The emails tab will show all emails you have emailed them. They cannot reply back there yet, but you best bet they will with future releases! ;)
And profile is where your client can see their details, plus edit anything if needed.
To customize the colors on your portal, head to CURRENT BRAND SETTINGS >> BRANDING to set those colors for your portal and even change the logo if you needed to.
You can add outside links into the portal for your client to view. This is perfect for sharing photo gallery links, dropbox links, links to Pinterest boards, etc... :)
Head into a job or lead and click FORMS. In the forms drop down, click Create One-Time Link.
It will pop up with this pop up and you can type in the title of the link and the URL.
Once added, click MARK SENT to send to the portal!
And this is how it will show in the portal:
Change it up and get the color combo you like