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Bug Fix

Bug Fixes Feb 2, 2023

Charis avatar
Shared by Charis • February 02, 2023

🎉 What’s new

Updated privacy policy. We updated our Google, Meta, and Twitter disclosures. We also added data processors Twitter, Inc, Meta Platforms, Inc, Mixpanel, LLC, and Xero Ltd. Please review our updated privacy policy.

Editing or deleting transactions in Reporting >> Transactions will now stop autopay. A warning popup will appear to confirm that you want to stop autopay on any invoices with payment plans.

đź“Ť Roadmap

Watch for new features and submit feedback. We’re happy to share the awesome features we have planned on our roadmap portal! Small disclaimers: Our portal doesn’t cover everything we’re working on, details are subject to change, and features aren’t listed in any specific order.

đź©ą Bug fixes

Answer multiple-choice questions. Clients could submit forms without answering a required multiple-choice question. We fixed this, so clients can’t skip the required questions.

Secure deposits again from a scheduler. If you attached a lead capture form and required an invoice with a scheduler, the invoice didn’t automatically become the primary invoice. In addition, clients couldn’t pay to book an appointment. Both are fixed, so clients can pay again and the invoice will become the primary invoice in the client’s project.

Browse all settings on mobile. On mobile, you couldn’t scroll down to see more form settings. We addressed this, so all form settings should appear in mobile view.

No more long sentences on mobile. Certain fonts in text boxes prevented line breaks on mobile, causing one long sentence that didn’t show correctly. Now, there are line breaks so all text appears on mobile.

Set higher minimums. On a proposal, setting a package minimum quantity of two or more wouldn’t show accurately on the invoice total. Now, the invoice total shows the correct amount.

Banned time travel on project dates. Depending on your time zone, some project dates appeared a day earlier than what the client entered. This is fixed, so the date the client enters matches the correct time zones for both you and your client.

Fixed off-timed events. The exact times didn’t appear if a Project Start Date and Project End Date were within 24 hours of each other. The time now shows correctly.

Stopped backward start and end dates. Forms were getting submitted even if the end date was earlier than the start date. This is no longer an issue so forms can’t get submitted.